Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

            After Chemistry first period, I found out I have Hunter in my Spanish and History class as well. Luckily, he sits a few rows away from me in both classes. I would sometimes look over at him, only to find myself meeting his stares. I would always tense up and turn away, but he was still there, in the back of my mind, playing with my thoughts.

             By the time lunch came around, I was looking desperately for Vanessa to yell at her for what she had created.

“’Sup?” She asked as she pulls out a chair at our usual lunch table and takes a seat beside me. The loud noises of the cafeteria make it difficult to hear her, but I somehow manage. She looks casual as she begins to pick at her lunch, as if she didn’t just pull her little prank in front of Hunter.

I put on my best lecture face and turned to face my best friend. “Why did you do that in Chemistry?”

“Do what?” She asked around a mouthful of pizza.

I glared at her as if to say, “You know what.”

She smiled. “Oh,” She said. “That.” She swallowed her food and shrugged. “You said you wanted a date to homecoming and what is more romantic than the mysterious new guy?”

Thankfully the “mysterious new guy” did not seem to have the same lunch period as me, so I didn’t have to worry about being embarrassed anymore by Vanessa’s little stunt. “There is nothing romantic about that and it was just embarrassing.” I gave her a stern look, which she ignored.

“So what did he say?”

“What?” I asked and she rolled her eyes.

“Did he say yes?”

I didn’t answer.

Vanessa squealed. “He did! This is great, Vi! We can get together and go dress shopping and get our hair and nails done-.”

“Vanessa,” I stopped her. She instantly shut up. “I’m not going with him.”

Her face fell. “He said no?”

I shook my head. “He said yes; I said no.”

For a second, she just stared at me and then, suddenly, she banged her fist on the table so hard the whole thing rattled and I jumped as a few people looked over at us. The sudden bang sent memories slamming back into my mind of that night and I couldn’t breathe as it all came rushing back, yet again. I closed my eyes, trying to calm myself down.

“Shut up!” he screamed at when I tried to call for help. When that didn’t work, he hit me, trying anything to get me to stop yelling. It only made my attempts more urgent. He slapped me harder until he wasn’t hitting, but punching me, so hard. It hurt it hurt it hurt.

“-can you do that?” Vanessa was saying, but then she must have noticed the look on my face because she quieted down and asked, “Vi? Violet, are you okay?”

I took a minute to answer. I snapped my eyes back open. “I’m fine.” I lied. “I just remembered I need to go see my Spanish teacher for extra help.” I gathered my things quickly and stood up.


“Bye.” I said to Vanessa and rushed out of the cafeteria. Once I was safe in the hallway, I put my head in my hands and crouched down against the wall.

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