Chapter 17

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Song on the side..............................................................................................................................................................

Chapter 17

            Going back to school brought all new challenges the days following our drive. On Tuesday, Hunter grabbed my hand while we were walking to Spanish together. I quickly pulled away, terrified someone would see and the news would get back to Jeremy.

            I didn’t miss the hurt look on Hunter’s face, the way he took a half step away from me. I swallowed my guilt and walked on, hoping he wouldn’t take it the wrong way.

            I sat with Vanessa at lunch the next day. She didn’t talk much, her fingers flying over her cellphone’s key board with her head bent low. She seemed completely engrossed with whomever she was having her fast pace conversation with. Her eyebrows drew together in concentration at the next message she received and her fingers flew faster, more urgent. Her lunch lay in front of her, untouched and forgotten.

            I was picking at my own meal, my thoughts consumed with Hunter and out surreal night out. He had done what he had set to do; he made me feel normal, lying under stars, sharing closeness. I wished every day I could feel like that, safe.

            Safe, safe, safe with Hunter.

            Vanessa’s phone buzzed again as she received another message and she jumped on it like a caged animal on its prey.

            I continued to pick at my salad.

. . .

            Thursday was another day of Qualitative Analysis. We were to present our projects with our partners the next day. Hunter stood close to me the whole period, his arm brushing mine with every movement he made. This time, I didn’t move away.

            As I was pouring the HCl into my last chemical mixture, Hunter leaned his goggle clad face next to mine. “Have you decided about dinner on Saturday?” He whispered in my ear, nearly making me drop the test tube.

            I quickly recovered, finishing the mixture and setting it down safely on the rack. I reached for the distilled water as I answered, “What if they don’t like me?” Stupid. I had more things to think about then whether his family accepted me. Yet, I worried.

            His chuckle was deep as he took a step closer to me. I stirred the chemicals into the beaker. “I thought we already talked about this,” His nosed brushed loose curls of my hair that had escaped from my low bun. I shivered.



            I jumped at the sound of my name, away from Hunter. He went back to his work, bent over his instruction seat. Vanessa stepped in between us. Her eyes were wild and her gloved hands were stained yellow with an unknown chemical substance. “Can you help me with something?” She asked, pulling on my arm before I could answer, leading me away from my lab partner. She dragged me to her lab table, ignoring the cold glares Jenny sent our way.

            “What are you doing?” She asked.

            I gave her a blank stare.

            “With Hunter!” She emphasized, hissing. I gasped, looking over at Jenny and hoping she hadn’t heard. “Relax,” Vanessa said, sounding annoyed. “She has her stupid headphones in; she can’t hear a thing. Watch. Hey, Jenny!” She didn’t even look up. “See?” Vanessa smiled, triumphal.

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