Chapter 27

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Sorry for the late update. Barely had time to write lately. Let me know what you guys think of the chapter!


Song on the side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . .

Chapter 27



It’s Tyler.

It was Tyler.

Tyler wrote me that note and Tyler knows.

He knows.

He knows what my best friend did to me.

Tyler knows.


Two days after I found out it was Tyler and I still haven’t approached him. I didn’t know how. I spent the rest of the day Tuesday thinking about it and Wednesday after school during my detention and I still didn’t know what to say.

What do I say?

It’s Tyler.

Long, lanky, Jeremy’s friend, Tyler.

I still didn’t know what to think. How could he know? Jeremy would have taken the chance telling him. He wouldn’t. Yet Tyler knew. How did he know.

Hunter stayed true to his word and had nothing to do with the note. It was almost like I had never told him at all. In the mornings, he still met me by my locker, but he seemed restrained. He hadn’t kissed me again and I chastised myself for missing it.

I wanted to apologize.

I wanted so much to just admit that I was wrong and he was right and to tell everyone what had been done to me. I wanted words and sentences and nouns and verbs and adjectives and paragraphs to come pouring out of my mouth, past my lips, and into the ears of anyone who would listen. I wanted to be free. I wanted I wanted I wanted. I couldn’t.

7th period.

Vanessa was back at school, but wouldn’t talk to me. She sat at a separate lunch table, never looking in my direction. Jenny took it upon herself to take over Vanessa’s position and began eating lunch with me for the past few days. She never mentioned the note or my secret again, but it hung in the air between us like a deadly virus that we were breathing in, slowly killing us, silent. I didn’t say anything and she just sat there.

I wondered where her friends were. Where did she usually sit? Who did she associate with? I thought back to all the times I saw Jenny walking in the hallways and realized I have never seen her with anyone but her countless boyfriends or just her backpack for company.

Last period.

My leg was shaking with nerves. I would talk to Tyler today. I would. I would I would I would. I needed to.

I didn’t tell Hunter who it was. I was afraid that he would talk to Tyler on his own and Tyler would tell him who who who did it. I was afraid that Hunter wouldn’t want to fix me anymore. I was afraid that Jeremy would kill me. I was afraid.

The bell the bell the bell. Rang.

My limbs turned to jelly and my stomach disintegrated. Today, I would be brave.

Everyone was out of their seats, shuffling towards the door, wanting to leave as fast as possible. I swallowed, stood, gathered my things slowly. I was nowhere near ready. I was 500 miles south in the town of Absolutely Terrified.

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