As soon as the door opens, I hear it. Screams. Horrible, guttural screams, and screams I know only come from my baby sister. They are panicked and loud enough so that I can hear it from two floors below.

I hear Tony behind me, but I jam my elbow into his face, causing him to groan and fall into the wall behind us. Ordinarily, I doubt I could have done that, but I am so worked up right now, I probably could knock Loki out cold.

"Barton!" yells Stark, probably over his radio. "Get down here!"

But I am faster. Within sixty seconds, I am at the door to Leah's room; I am running on pure adrenaline. I bang on the door, and surprisingly, it opens.

I stop in the middle of the doorway.

I see three figures huddled around the bed. Leah is kicking and screaming. Thor is hovering over her, looking almost as pained as her. He is holding what looks to be a needle. I see blood. Jane is holding Leah's head, crying and trying to soothe her. Leah's face is drenched in sweat and tears. Loki is the only one who looks up to see me; perhaps the only one who has heard me over Leah's agonized screams. He is holding her, although Thor seems to be doing most of the work.

Breathing hard, I run towards Leah, but suddenly, Loki stands and grabs me roughly. I scream and kick and hit at him, but he just picks me up and begins to drag me out of the room. "No! Let me go, she needs me!"

"No," I am surprised to hear that Loki's voice is trembling. "She does not need you, and the best thing you can do for her is to leave. It will be over soon."

I manage to wrench out of his grip long enough for him to force me to set me down on the floor. "NO! I am her sister, you brute, and you let me GO!"

I am panicking so much, I don't register the fact that Loki has slapped my face until the sting sets in almost a full minute later. "Calm down!" he hisses.

"How am I supposed to calm down!" I shriek as Leah screams again.

"By leaving. Now go before I get even more angered by your careless actions."

"You knew this was going to happen!" I scream at him. "Today! When you looked at my scar! When you lied to me! A week, you said! You're a bloody liar! A week, and I wake up ton-wait, you horrible thing, the reason you wanted me to go to sleep was so that I would sleep through this! I bet you drugged me or...or something so that I would sleep. Well you were wrong, you back-stabbing puppet, you are-"

"ENOUGH!" roars Loki and slaps my arm. "If I have to drag you out of this room and tie you to a post to make you stay still and calm down before you kill yourself, I will do so."

"HOW CAN YOU EXPECT ME TO CALM DOWN!" I shriek. Tears are running down my face in hot streams, but I barely notice.

"Do you not know?" he yells at me. "The more you panic, the worse your condition arises. You are going to kill yourself if you do not calm down. Now stop. Talking."

My mouth clamps shut, but then opens again as I begin to pant; I am out of breath.

Leah's scream's intensify, and I look over at her. She is struggling against Thor, but she is no match. There is crimson on the sheets. I feel dizzy.

I feel a hand grab my chin and pull my face away from the scene. I don't bother to struggle as I look Loki in the face. Both of us are breathing hard.

"Listen to me," he whispers. "It will be all-"

I begin to cry, falling to the floor in my sobs. I barely feel someone picking me up, but I know that it's not Loki. He lets go of me.

"Make her sleep," I vaguely hear Loki saying. "Even if you have to induce it."

Blue Moon| Book 1 | An Avengers fan fiction series| *under editing*Where stories live. Discover now