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“Love is stronger than death even though it can't stop death from happening, but no matter how hard death tries it can't separate people from love. It can't take away our memories either.”


                There was no light at the end of the hallway.

                There was no God welcoming me into his home.

                My life did not pass before my eyes.

                 In fact, my life simply ended, that cold after noon, January 22nd, 1965.

                I heard the heart-wrenching sobs of my mother, the soothing voice of my father and the quiet beeping of the heart monitor next me. I felt the presence of my siblings and Terri’s rough hand clasped firmly in my own.  Soon, the machines beeping got slower and slower; my grasp on Terri’s hand became weaker and weaker. Everyone turned, waiting for the moment where I would take my final breath. The end was coming.

                I could feel death sneaking up on me, its dark hand coming to take me away, snatch up the life I hadn’t even begun to live. My eyelids fluttered shut. The world became dark. The beeping started into a monotonous flat line.

                “She’s gone,” whispered Terri, squeezing my lifeless hand tightly. “She’s really gone.”

                As my lips formed the words “goodbye”, darkness clouded my mind, taking over as I took in my final breath.

                And though my life was over, I knew I would be back one day to continue my life as it was meant to be lived; away from the hospital. Until that happened, my memory would be kept alive through my family and friends.

                My family was still breathing, cars still moving, the world kept spinning. And as I lay, dead, waiting for the day I would be brought back.

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