Chapter 33: Battlefield

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Danielle’s POV

We were in the middle of the movie ‘The Conjuring’, and my face was buried in Jaden’s chest. Screaming came from the surround-sound speakers, causing me to jump-- though I haven’t even looked at the screen for about 10 minutes. Another scream filled the room, scaring me again. I slowly took head from Jaden’s chest, and looked around the room-- making sure not to look at the screen. Everyone else was totally fine, just watching like there wasn’t total demonic practices happening on the screen. I looked up at Jaden who was snickering at my fear of the movie. “Ugh.” I huffed. “I need a drink.” I stood up-- still refusing to look at the screen in front of me-- and walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water. I took a cup out of the cupboard, and ran the water from the sink. I took a deep breath drinking my water, and trying to forget the little of the movie I did see.

“Hey.” I heard from behind me, causing me to jump and drop my glass in the sink. I turned to see Jaden leaning on the island counter behind me.

“Damn it, Jaden. You can’t scare me like that… You almost got killed.”

He laughed. “You? Kill me? Babe, you can’t kill a fly, let alone an actual human being.” He hopped up on top of the counter, still laughing.

“What? I could be a cold blooded murderer and you would never know.” I teased.

“Dani, the movie hasn’t even been on for 30 minutes and you’re terrified.”

“We’ll that’s different. It’s a horror movie, and horror movies are supposed to be… Well, horrifying. The makers of that movie did a great job.” Jaden laughed even louder, causing me to grin a bit as well.

“I told you we should’ve watched AE, but ‘noo’. Danielle just had to prove something, didn’t she.”

“You know, speaking in third person doesn’t really fit you.…” I teased. “Actually speaking all together doesn’t fit you at all. You should just close your mouth… Permanently.” Jaden’s jaw dropped as he pretended he was offended. “It’s not like you need it seeing as your raps were never really that good anyway.” I turned around, deeming this battle a win for myself, and headed out of the room.

“Oh no you don’t!” Jaden said, picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. I squealed and squeaked as he ran up the stairs to his room, and dropped me on his bed. He jumped on top of me, and positioned his hands on my waist. “Say sorry.” I shook my head no, teasing him even more. “Say it!”

“No.” I said calmly, though everything in me wanted to scream and laugh it out at the same time.

“Last chance,” He warned, “Say it.” I kept my mouth shut, believing I could take anything Jaden could dish out. I was wrong.

Next thing I knew, Jaden began to tickle me forcefully. I squirmed and twisted under him, not being able to free myself from his grip. I started flailing my arms around, trying-- and failing-- at an attempt to get Jaden off.

“Okay!” I finally gave in. “I’m sorry.”

“And who’s your favorite rap artist?”

“You are.”

“Yup.” He pecked my lips and fell to the side, laying beside me.

“Jay.” I said, getting an idea.


“Do you still have those water guns from the New Year’s party last year?”

“Yeah. Why?” He sat up from the bed, and looked at me curiously.

“What if we go ambush everyone?” I got up and went to his closet, ransacking through his clothes and shoes.

“They’d be totally pissed.” He said following me. “But it’d be totally worth it.” I chuckled agreeing with him. “Here.” I turned around and caught the water gun Jaden tossed. It wasn’t a small one, though it still wasn’t a big one-- perfect for me. Jaden had a big one that had an extra water clip holster to go with. “Ready?” He asked with a devious smirk on his lips.

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