Chapter 26: Confrentational Dinner

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Danielle's POV:

I slumped down in my seat in the living room where Moises, Madison, Sky, and I were watching TV. Everyone was watching The Vampire Diaries on the screen while I was watching the clock.The day was going as slow as it could possibly go. I swear I’ve been here for at least 6 hours, but when I looked at the clock it’s only been 2. Fortunately it’s nearly 5 so Jaden will be here soon, and maybe then time will go a bit faster.

The doorbell rang, and I looked around to see who was going to answer. No one came. “I guess I’ll get it.” I mumbled to myself standing to walk towards the door. As soon as I cracked the door open, it was pushed from the other side, and my two little cousins and sister ran through followed by my snobby aunt Caroline and her husband John; all stepping on my toes. I winced and clutched my foot, leaning on the wall for support. When Jason walked in and saw me, he quietly laughed to himself. “You’ll be okay pumpkin.” He said, kissing my forehead.

“Jason, do they really need to be here? I mean, when was the last time your sister was around and trouble wasn’t started?… By them.”

“Come on, you’re back in town, and I’m finally off of work. It’s the perfect time to get together as a real family. Be happy.” Jason walked to the kitchen leaving me standing there at the door.

“If that’s even possible.” I shut the door, and walked back to the living room where my friends were still glued to the television; now joined by my cousins and sister.

“Dani!” my cousin Logan called as I sat down on the floor.

“Yes, Logan?”

“How old are you now? I heard you moved to California, is it fun there? I heard it’s always really hot. Have you become a celebrity yet? Do you know any celebrities? What about Justin Bieber? Do you know him?”


“I bet she doesn’t.” Logan’s twin sister, Lacie, said. “She’s not cool enough. She’s not pretty enough either. See, she had a pimple on her forehead.” She pointed to my face. I lifted my hand to my head finding she was indeed right, I had a pimple.

“It’s because you people stress me out... And as a matter of fact, I do know celebrities. You see those two over there?” I pointed to Moises and Madison on the couch. “They’re famous actors. And Logan, I do in fact know Justin Bieber. I saw him a little over a week ago, actually.”


“And her boyfriend is Jaden Smith. And Sky’s boyfriend is Mateo, Moises’ brother. He’s an actor, too.” Tori said with confidence.

“So if all your friends are famous, why aren’t you? Is it because you’re untalented?” Lacie asked with a smirk. She’s always been the meaner more devious twin out of the two, something like her mom. She’s never really liked us since Jason married my mom, even though she was barely two.

“Actually, Miss. Attitude, I’m a music major, not performing arts.” The doorbell rang, and again, no one came to answer. For once, I was more than happy to oblige. I opened the door allowing Chresanto and Willow to walk in. “Where have you two been?”

“At the concert stadium. Jaden should be here soon.” WIllow said.

“Good. The sooner dinner comes, the sooner we can leave. I have a real bad feeling this isn’t going to be a very pleasant gathering.” We walked back into the living room, and the kids were gone. I assumed they went to play or something.

Another hour passed before we sat down to eat. My mother sat at the head of the table, followed by six seats where Jason, Tori, my aunt Caroline, my uncle John, and the twins sat. On the other end sat Madison, Moises, an empty chair, Sky, Chesanto, Willow, me, and another empty chair. From what I counted there was one chair missing for an extra person, but I guess that will be settled once the twins and my sister go to the kids table. (A/n: Pic to the side if you're confused)

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