Prologue: 9 Years Ago

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Danielle’s POV:

“So… I guess this is goodbye?”

“I guess so.” This is the most awkward moment ever. Seeing as I’ve never been good at goodbyes doesn’t make this any better. We’ve been friends for like, 20 years. Even though were only 10, it feels like forever. “You’ll call me right?”

“Yeah. I promise, Danielle. You’re my best friend, and will always be.” He pulled me into a hug and it was the best hug we’ve ever shared.  In the distance I heard my mother calling for me to hurry up, meaning we were about to leave.

“Bye, Jay.” Pulling away, I turned my back to him. I don’t want him to see me crying.

“Wait, Dani!” I turned around to see Jaden coming back towards me. “Here, take this. It’s my first Cartier ring. It can be a symbol of our friendship. As long as you have it, we’ll always be friends.” He took my right hand and put the ring on my middle finger. Once again I heard my mother yelling for me to come on. “Bye, Danielle.” I waved bye to my friend and ran to my car. Before we could pull off, I felt the tears coming back.

“It’s okay Danielle.” My mother said trying to cheer me up. “You’ll find new friends. There are plenty of kids in New York.”

I turned around to look out the back window, seeing Jaden standing right where I left him. “Yeah… But no one like him.”

~9 Years Later~

Danielle’s POV

“Mom, have you seen my suitcase? My flight is in 2 hours, and I can’t find my suitcase. I need my suitcase.”

“Well, have you looked in the closet? You should look for stuff before you ask where it is.”

I made my way to the hall closet to look for the suitcase that I knew wasn’t there. “Well of course I looked in the closet. I mean, I’m not stu- - Oh, there it is.” I pulled out my multi colored suitcase and went to my room to start packing. Tomorrow I’m leaving for my dream college. I’ve been preparing to go to this college since my first day of school. Getting good grades, sacrificing fun nights out with friends, doing every extra credit assignment that came up, and it all lead me to this day. I’m going to Allen Dale University of the Arts. Acting, writing, producing, they have it all. And I’ve been accepted. Of   course it’s across the country in my home state of California, but it’s not my fault my mother decided to move all the way to New York just to be closer to her boyfriend; now husband. I was never a big fan of Jason, but he loves my mother and she loves him. And he helped her finally get over the death of my father; something that ate her up every day. Now we have a full family with my little sister Tori. He is the best thing to ever happen to us, well until I got my acceptance letter to Allen Dale. This is going to pave the way for my biggest dreams.

“Dani, we are out waiting in the car so hurry.” my mom’s voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I took my bag and walked downstairs and outside locking the door. Jason took my bag and put it in the truck while I got in the back of the car with my 10 year old sister.

“Hey, Dani, you promise to still text me? I’m really going to miss you.”

“Of course, Kiddo. You’re like my favorite person ever. I’ll call you at least once a week, and you can text me anytime you need me. And I mean anytime.” She smiled to me and tuned to look out the window. Jason got in the car and started to pull off when I remembered something. “WAIT!! STOP THE CAR!! I FORGOT SOMETHING!” Jason stopped the car and I jumped out and ran into the house up to my room as fast as I could. I walked to my dresser and opened up the drawer to get out the box where I kept all my important things. I opened it to see my favorite piece of jewelry: the Cartier ring. I stuffed it in my pocket, ran out the door, and to the car with my waiting family. “Okay. Ready.” We pulled off on route to the city airport. I put on my headphones and turned on my music before taking out the ring in my pocket and placing it on my right middle finger.

Calabasas, California. I’m coming home.

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