Chapter 7

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After Liam and Niall left, me and Maya started watching her favorite show on the tv, Kardashians.

Liam texted me before we started watching tv that what Niall and Maya were talking about. Apparentely Niall had engouraged (i have no idea that did i spell that correct.) Maya to give a chance to me. I am really happy about that, and i am gonna show her how amazing her life can be with me.

"What do you want to do now?" I asked after the episode ended. Maya thinked a moment before answering:

"I think we need to talk."

"Okay. So do you have anything you wanna say, or ask?" I asked looking at the pretty girl who is sitting next to me.

"I just wanna tell you that i am gonna give you chance, but you better not f•ck it because if this doesnt work, thats it, no more chances", she says. I am about to explode from happines.

"Thank you babygirl, i promise treat you like princess you are", i smile and hug her. She wraps her hands around me and we stay there for while just hugging each other.

• Maya •

Harry went to take a shower and i am still sitting on the couch and trying to find something good to watch on the tv.

I gave Harry a chance because it seems like he actually loves me. I hope that i dont regret my decision, but i think he will treat me good. I mean he has treated me like princess even though i have been such a b!tch to him.

"Princess, would it be okay if my best friend Louis would come here really quick? He said he is coming of from work and he would really like to meet you", Harry said and sit next to me on the sofa.

"Well it's your house", i answered back at him. I dont really get it why he is asking, because he owns this house, i dont.

"It's our house darling. So is it okay or do you wanna meet him later?" Harry asked.

"It's fine, he can come now", i said to him.

"Okay i am gonna text him", he smiled and got his phone out of his pocket.


I heard knocking on the door and Harry stood up and went to open it. He walked in the living room with man who had brown hair and lot of tattoos that were showing of because he was only wearing t-shirt and black jeans.

"Hi i am Louis, Harrys best friend", he smiled and sat on the sofa opposite of me. Harry came to sit next to me.

"I'm Maya", i told him.

"I know, Harry talks always about you and how pretty you are and how much he loves you", he smirked.

Harry laughed at him and i smiled a little feeling blush raising at my cheeks.

"So mate, how was work?" Harry asked Louis.

"Well same old, same old." Louis answered.

"So Maya", Louis said looking at me.

"What do you think about Harry?" He asked smiling a little.

"Ummm.." i mumbled not really sure what i am gonna answer. I see Harry looking at me too.

"He is very sweet", i said after while and blushing a little.

"Thank you princess, you are sweet too", he smiled and hugged me.

"Thats cute", Louis said looking at us and smiling really big.

He stood up and announced that he has to leave home now.

"Bye lovers!" He yelled and started walking to the door.

"Bye mate, see you soon!" Harry yelled after him. I said just bye and then the door opened and closed.

"Well, i think we should go to sleep now. It's getting late", Harry said. I nodded and he picked me up. Well only couple days then i could walk and he doesnt have to carry me around.

We went to bedroom and Harry gave me clothes that i could change, a oversized t-shirt, and pyjama bottoms. 

I changed my clothes in the bedroom and Harry changed his in the bathroom. I limped on the bed and went under covers.

Harry came back in the bedroom and came next to me in the bed.

"Goodnight princess", he said and kissed me on the forehead.

"Goodnight Harry", i whispered and closed my eyes. I felt Harry put his arm on top of me and pulling me closer. Soon i was sleeping.

You will love me H.SOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora