Chapter 3

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· Harry ·

I wake and i see Maya next to me sleeping still. Her mouth is slightly open and i hear small snores. I kiss her on the forehead and i get up. I go to downstairs, to the kitchen. I should make some food. I decide make chicken pasta.

When the food is ready i go upstairs. I walk in bedroom and sit on the bed beside Maya.

"Wake up sweetheart, wake up", i say and shook her little. She opens her eyes and i feel her beautiful brown eyes staring at me.

"I made us food, lets go eat", i say and smile. I stand up and wait for her. She climbs of the bed and we both go downstairs.

Maya sits on the chair next to table and i put our plates on the table. We are sitting next to each other.

"I hope you like this, i tryed made it the way you do", i say after we both have taken few bites on the food.

"Its fine", she replies quietly.

After we are done i put dishes on dishwasher, and we go sit in the living room.

"So.. Can i go home now?" Maya asks nervously and stares on the floor.

"Baby, you arent going to home. This is our home now", i sigh.

"You cant just kidnap me! That is illegal", she states and raises her voice.

"Baby i just love you so mu-", i start to say but she interrups me.

"Whatever, im going to bathroom", she says and runs to hallway.

· Maya ·

I go in bathroom and spot a window. Bingo! I climb on top of toilet and open window quietly. I climb out of window and land on the ground.

All i see front of me is forest. Without thinking twice i start sprinting towards it. I hope that i find the way in the city or maybe i see someone here that can help me.

I start getting out of breath so i decide sit down for second. I think i have runned maybe one kilometer.

"Mayaa, come here!" I hear familiar voice behind me. Harry is running towards me, he is maybe 100 meter away from me. I quickly stand up and start running.

"Maya dont run away, just come back", Harry yells. I look behind and realise he is getting closer.

Suddenly i fall on the ground and i feel horrible pain on my ankle. I start screaming and crying. I notice that Harry is almost next to me. My escape plan totally failed.

"Oww oww", i sob.

"Ohh baby", Harry says and crouches down beside me. He picks me up on bridal style and i dont even bother to try to get away his arms. Pain in my ankle is so bad that i am still crying, and i thought that i have high tolerance for pain. I also notice that my knee is bleeding pretty badly.

"When we get back to home i am gonna call my friend to come look at your ankle, he is doctor", Harry says and smiles sympathetically to me.

"Why dont you take me to hospital? What if my ankle is broken? This is all your fault asshóle!" I scream angrily.

"Liam will fix your foot. Like i said he is doctor so he will know what to do, and there is no reason to be mad at me sweetie, i didnt tell you to run to forest", Harry replies. He opens front door of his house and carries me to sofa.

"But if you hadnt kidnapped me i wouldn had to run away", i scream. I probaply look horrible with my tear stained face.

"I think you are little shooken up. I am gonna call Liam now", he says and puts couple pillows under my ankle. Then he walks away other room. I yell angrily argh and wipe away my tears.


So that was third chapter. Tell me what yall think? Oh and i apologize all the spelling mistakes i've made, feel free to correct me. :)

You will love me H.SNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ