The end of the magic pt.1

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Chapter 22

The girls were swimming towards MAKO island. There was a fishing net, but they didn't notice it, so they kept swimming.

They suddenly got captured by the net and got taken on the boat.

There were a lot of scientists that gathered around them with knives, potions, microscopes, and some science stuff.

-Aaaargh!-Layla woke up in bed, screaming and panting.

She sighed, 'Thanks god it was just a dream!', she tought.

She got in the common room.

-Hey what happened, we heard a scream.-said Bloom-Are you ok?

-Yeah, just a nightmare.-said Layla.

-Well, we were thinking we should go at Miss Ofelia's dorm for some tea since she's invited us a few times.-said Tecna.

-Oh cool.-said Layla-After class right?

-What class?-said Flora-The class is going on a field trip to Australia and we didn't sign in because we can't take the risk of water and we can always go to Australia if we want to.-said Bloom.

-Ok, sure. Let's go.-said Layla-Just to be clear, our grade can't be a part of that field trip, right?

-Nope.-said Tecna-Our grades are safe.

-Always count on Tecna to save our grades!-said Bloom.


-Tec, don't ruin the moment! We're actually complimenting you!-said Stella.


The girls knocked on Miss Ofelia's dorm room door.

-Come in!-she said.

The girls got inside.

Her room wasn't really big. It was like a small apartment.

There were old wallpapers on all of the walls.

On the wall opposite the door was an old classy couch along with two armchairs on each side. In front of the couch was a small wooden coffee table. There was a door on the left leading to the bathroom and a door on the right leading to the bedroom and another door next to the bathroom door, leading to a small kitchen.

-I'm glad you could come girls!-she said-Have a seat!-she gestured to the couch.

The girls sat down on the couch.

In a while Miss Ofelia brought them tea.

-Miss Ofelia, do you happen to know where Nancy's ring is?-asked Musa.

-Nancy.....I'm not sure.-she said-It's either misplaced somewhere in here or in my office.

-Well why don't we go to your office after we finish the tea and go to your office to look for it while you look here.-said Bloom.

-That's a good idea.-said Miss Ofelia.


The girls were rummaging through Miss Ofelia's office for two hours, but they couldn't find it.

-I think we should give up and go help Miss Ofelia. Or maybe she's even found it.-said Bloom.

All of them agreed and went to Miss Ofelia's dorm.

They knocked on the door.

-Miss Ofelia!

Miss Ofelia opened the door.

When the girls entered they found all of the guys except for Nabu. (and Riven who won't show up until the sequel)

-Hey guys!-said Layla-Where's Nabu?

-We actually came here to tell you that.-said Timmy.

-You see, Nabu has been...kidnapped.-said Helia.

-What?!-said Layla-Guys, stop messing around!

-It's true.-said Sky-We got a text from him saying that Dr. Evans told him to text us to tell you to come to their boat.-said Sky.

-Couldn't he just text us?-asked Bloom.

-Give me your phone!-said Tecna as Sky gave it to her.

She started typing something really fast and then showed the others.

-I texted them back, saying to meet us at MAKO instead of their boat.-said Tecna.

-And they agreed?-asked Stella.

-Surprisingly, yes.-said Tecna.

-So now what?-asked Musa.

Everyone was quiet.

-I guess we should go.-said Bloom.

-We need to do this.-said Tecna-He is the second person that found out about our secret, and he kept it ever since, it's the least we could do!

-I'm going, whether you like it or not!-said Layla-But you guys don't have to come.

-L, they said they need all of us.-said Stella.

-There is one solution.-said Miss Ofelia as everyone intently stared at her-You could give up your powers.

-What?! There has to be another way!-said Musa.

-I'm afraid it's the only option.-said Miss Ofelia.

-So how are we gonna do that?-asked Stella.

-You're lucky I found the ring.-said Miss Ofelia.

-Why?-asked Flora.

-Well, there is a way to get rid of your powers with the rings.-said Miss Ofelia-You see, if you're at the right place in the right time, magic can be given to you, but it can also be taken away.

-How do we make it work?-asked Stella, putting on her new ring-We haven't even tried using our rings and I just got mine!

-Relax Stella!-said Miss Ofelia-I know it's not a full moon, but you can still make it happen if you really wish to. When the half-moon is directly above the moon pool, you six will jump in and point your rings towards the moon, using your powers. You need to focus on what you wish to do, which in your case is losing your powers, while you do that.

-I guess we can do that.-said Layla.

-I guess this is the end.-said Bloom.

To be continued...

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