A fiery full moon

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Chapter 13

-Thank you so much Miss Ofelia, we owe you big time!-said Bloom.

-Don't worry dear, I always help fellow mermaids.-she said.

-Miss Ofelia, there's something the girls and I have been wondering, is that bad thing supposed to happen on the full moon or after?-asked Bloom.

-Well, I'm not sure, but I know it's about Musa.-said Miss Ofelia.

-Yeah, we're kinda scared, but not Musa, she doesn't really believe you.-said Bloom.

-She's just like Nancy. She was one of my friends, she didn't believe my visions either.-said Miss Ofelia.

-Do you miss them, your friends.-asked Bloom.

-Every day. We had so many great adventures and there was a lot of excitement. It was like a fairy tale.-said Miss Ofelia-Well, you should better get going, now since you don't have detention anymore, I suggest you get ready for the full moon tonight.

-Yes, thanks once again. Goodbye!-said Bloom exiting the office.


Bloom entered the dorm. It was quiet, the girls were still mad at each other from that fight they had the other day.

-We have no detention.-said Bloom.

-Good. We wouldn't even have detention if it wasn't for Musa!-said Stella.

-What! You didn't have to wait for me!-said Musa.

-Well we did.-said Layla.

-Good.-said Musa.

-Girls, let's not fight! At least not today.-said Bloom.

-Ok, ok. I'm sorry.-said Musa.

-We're sorry too.-said Stella.

-Good, now let's get started.-said Tecna as she passed every girl a black rolled up paper.

-What's this for?-asked Layla.

-We'll be covering the windows with this, Timmy's idea. And also-Tecna opened the door to reveal Timmy-Timmy's gonna help us.

They started covering the windows and doors.

-All set!-said Flora-You can go now Timmy.

-What? No! I'm staying here after last time!-he said.

-It's fine, no moonlight can get in here.-said Bloom.

-Fine, but if it turns out you need my help, I told you so!-said Timmy leaving.

When he opened the door, Stella was looking in a mirror and was turned with her back to the door. The full moon wasn't fully risen, but Stella caught a glimpse of it in her mirror. Musa noticed Stella is staring at the mirror, so she stood up and she saw the full moon's reflection too.

It's been almost an hour and the room was getting hotter and hotter, but the girls didn't seem to notice much. Bloom and Flora were reading a magazine, Tecna was playing a video game, Stella and Layla were watching a movie and Musa listened to music.

-Guys! It's too hot!-said Musa.

-I agree!-said Stella.

They stood up and started pacing the room, fanning themselves with their hands.

-Come to think of it, it's unusually hot.-said Tecna.

-What's going on?-asked Bloom.

-I can't stand the heat!-said Stella.

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