Wild goose chase

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Chapter 9

-Where could she be?-asked Stella.

-I called her again and again, no reception.-said Musa.

-Maybe she's swimming?-said Bloom.

-Wait, the last place she went was where Nabu was.-said Stella. They all headed to the Specialists room.

They knocked on the door and in 5 minutes Timmy opened it.

-Hey guys.-he said and rushed back in the room. The room was a mess, there were papers, microscopes, magnifying glasses, pens and all sorts of science gadgets.

-What is going on?-asked Tecna.

-I'm researching on why you became mermaids.-said Timmy.

-Again? I thought you were over it.-said Stella.

-Let's get to the point. Do you know where Layla is?-asked Musa.

-No, why.-said Timmy.

-Do you know where Nabu is?-asked Bloom.

-No, in fact, none of the guys are here. They said something about going to MAKO.-said Timmy.

-1, 2, 3...-(Bloom)

-MAKO?! We need to go after them!-said Timmy.

-Good thing you remembered!-said Bloom.

They got on his boat and made it to MAKO.

The beach part was empty. They went to the pool and no one was there.

-Something tells me Layla was here with someone.-said Tecna pointing to the footprints and a print left by Layla's tail on the sand in the moon pool.

-Oh no. If they find them, they're gonna find the moon pool!-said Stella.

-We need to go look for them.-said Musa.


(Before the others came to MAKO)

-Ok, follow my lead and try not to be overprotective like earlier today, ok?-said Layla, Nabu nodded.

They got out of their hiding place.

-Hey guys! What' cha doing here?-asked Layla

-Layla?-asked Helia, Nabu got out of the hiding place as well-Nabu? What are you guys doing here?

-We, are on a...stake-out. Yeah, uh-uh, a steak-out.-said Layla.

-A stake-out?-asked Riven.

-Exactly.-said Nabu.

-What are you hunting?-asked Sky.

-Well, we're not really sure, but we'll tell you when we find it.-said Layla, the guys looked at them confused-It's working, they'll be out of here in no time!-Layla whispered to Nabu.

-Well, we're heading that way.-Brandon started walking towards the moon pool's direction.

-NO!-Said Layla.

-The sea monster is there.-said Nabu.

-Sea monster?-asked Brandon.

-Yeah, the one we're hunting.-said Layla.

-Well, shouldn't you be going that way to catch it?-asked Brandon.

-Actually, we just heard it go that way.-Layla pointed at a random location.

-And we want you to join us.-said Nabu.

-You want us to help you catch it?-asked Sky.

-Thanks for the offer guys, and yes, you can join us.-said Layla-Now this way!

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