Chapter Thirty-Seven

Start from the beginning

Em opened her eyes to search May's. "Leave?"

May swallowed, her mouth dry. She tried not to look as anxious as she felt.

"If we could find a way to Mondova, do you still think Dom would come pick us up?"


They stayed up the rest of the night pulling the trip together.

While May packed, Em called Dom. He was ecstatic, waking Matti to rearrange shifts right there with Em on the phone.

The biggest challenge would be getting away for a couple of weeks without raising suspicion. When morning came, May called Kai with a plan.

It took some negotiating, as well as having to sit through some admonishing words, but eventually he agreed to take a couple weeks off work to watch Omi in May's place. He would tell the family he wanted to spend more quality time with his nephew in exchange for getting to stay at the tree house while the girls were away. He lived with a roommate and the prospect of privacy–in a tree house, no less–was a powerful bargaining chip.

He also agreed to drive May and Em up to the North Shore. A passenger ship left the island once a week, travelling to a couple other islands in the archipelago before heading to the port city of Mondova. It was the only passage from Hoku. May and Em had combined their meager savings for a pair of return tickets.

"I can't believe I'm helping you two do this," Kai groaned, breaking what had been nearly two silent and tense hours on the road. "I can't believe you want to do this, May."

May had anticipated her brother second guessing the plan. He was too well behaved for this sort of thing and she knew he was probably torn between helping her and doing right by their family's wishes.

"Think of it as a vacation, Kai," she reasoned calmly, using the same rationale she leaned on herself. "People go on vacations all the time."

"Yeah, to other islands," he shot back. "Nobody from Hoku goes to the mainland. I have a bad feeling about this."

"The mainland isn't as bad as you all seem to think it is," Em mumbled defensively from the back seat.

Kai gave her a pointed look via the rearview mirror. "That's easy for you to say. What if something happens to you while you're out there? What am I supposed to tell ma and pa when they find out?"

"If they find out," May corrected.

The van rumbled into the dockyard. Kai found a place to park and turned to May, his expression grave.

"May, I love you. But if our parents figure out something is up, you know I can't lie to them. It's a miracle they don't think me taking holidays just to look after Omi is weird."

May frowned but didn't argue. She knew they were putting him in a tough situation.

"I get it," she said with a nod. "Thank you for helping us with this."

Kai turned to look at Em over his shoulder. "Take care of my sister out there," he demanded sternly.

"You have my word," Em replied. Even she knew this wasn't the time to joke around.

"We're going to be fine." May gave her brother a reassuring smile. "Please, try not to worry."

Kai laughed and pulled her into a tight one-armed hug. "That's not going to happen."

As he held her, May realized this wasn't just brotherly concern – he was genuinely frightened for her.

"Are you sure about this?" he whispered, his voice laced with unease.

May nodded wordlessly into his shoulder. She was as sure as she could be.

Kai pulled back and forced a smile.

"Okay then. Here goes everything."

When it was time to depart, May cast one last look back to where her brother leaned against the van looking grim.

This was her last chance; she could still choose to stay.

"Ready, babe?"

May turned. Ahead of her, Em waited with her hand outstretched; warm and welcoming.

A thought flickered across May's mind. All at once she understood nothing would ever be the same once she stepped aboard that boat.

Was she ready?

Taking a deep breath, May put her hand in Em's.

Maybe this was a bad idea, but there was only one way to find out.


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