22. Time Travel Gone Wrong

Start from the beginning

"You know, if we send Sam or myself with you, just not all three of us—" I try.

"No, we need the numbers stacked in our favor. This needs to just be me, with Cas getting me there."

I rotate my jaw in annoyance. "Be safe."

"When am I not?"

"Where do you want me to start on that?"

Dean hits the table. "Let's do this, Cas. Bon voyage."

When Cas touches Dean's shoulder, the two of them disappear, presumably on the submarine that holds the key to help us stop Amara.

I bite down on my thumbnail. "I'm no expert on time travel, but, things can go horribly wrong, can't they? Even if Dean thinks it can't be tampered with in a sub thousands of feet underwater."

"Things can go way wrong," Sam agrees, looking through one of the books on the library tables. "Do anything out of the original timeline, even step on a bug, and it could alter the future."

I snort. "Okay, stepping on one bug might be stretching it a little, Sammy."

"You never know, and I don't think either of us plan to."

I tense at hearing the bunker door open. I tilt my head at hearing...water? Is it a shower outside?

But as I trot into the war room, I see the water dripping off the stairs, onto the floor. And I see Cas, who look like he's drowned, clothes soaked, coming down the stairs, his shoes squishing as he moves.

"Cas?" I ask worriedly. "Why're you—wait a second, where's Dean?" I look up the stairs in hopes that I find my older brother following. He's not.

"We made the leap. He got on, I didn't."

"What?" asks Sam, as he's now behind me.

"I couldn't make it past the hull. Someone must've warded the ship."

"Okay, um, Delphine?" I ask as the three of us go back into the library. "It has to be, I mean, she's protecting the weapon, right?"

"Cas, just go back to their last port, before she boarded!" says Sam. "Leave a message so Dean knows!"

"Where? Where would Dean see it that the crew couldn't?" Cas retorts. "He's as likely to find the warding as he is any message I'd leave."

"Then send me. You got Dean past the hull. Jo can still stay here in case we somehow both end up...you know."

"Right. We'll double down on what screwed us the first time. You're really bringing you're A ideas today. I can't believe I lost it." I look at Cas strangely. It? He sighs. "Him. Can't believe I lost Dean. Well, it's up to him now to find and clear the warding."

"No. We can help," I say. "There's gotta be something in magic or angel lore. Some way to clear the sigils from the outside. Cas, don't worry. We'll bring him back." I look to my little brother. "Ready for some more research, Sam?"

We start taking books to the tables. I hand one to Cas, who looks at me like he's almost offended. I shrug and go to the book in my hands, flipping through the pages. My eyes find nothing to help our older brother out. Dean, who's currently time travelling in a sub destined to be doomed at sea.

Yeah, because there's no more pressure than normal when it comes to situations like these.

"Wait a second," says Sam. I look up from the book I'm glancing at. "I think I have something. The spell of gathering, it's an incantation used to focus power of celestial beings, angels, against all drawn forms of evasion. The spell is designed to clear all mystical or occult blockages. I mean this is highly theoretical magic, it's never been used before, but it sounds like it could work."

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