Tough {Pietro x Reader}

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That blasted smoothie.

If it wasn't for that crazy concoction mixed in with your favorite flavor you could get some sleep and actually be on time for work.

As it is, you're not one to turn down a dare. Even if the dare included avocados and anchovies.

Thor and his damn anchovies. Part of it was my fault yes, but he could've mentioned those damn anchovies.

Thus, you thought your trips to the bathroom had finally subsided.

How wrong you were.

Just as you are about to dry your hands and return to your nice warm bed on the third trip, you saw the most horrendous creature staring back at you.

For the record, you've seen a good deal of horrendous creatures while working occasionally with the Avengers and full time with SHIELD, but this always scared you the most, what's worse is that it was normal compared to what you've seen.

Your first choice is to scream bloody murder, but in some small way your bravery must have outweighed this and instead you back out of the bathroom so fast you can't remember how you even made it to the bed.

You also may or may not have shrieked your roommate's name several times, it was mostly a blur when asked later.

"Are you all right?! What happened? What is it? Speak to me (Y/N)!" Pietro asked, shaking your shoulders slightly. He was freaked. You probably would have laughed had the situation not been dire.

"It's in there, Pie," You whispered, as if it could some how attack you and pointed at the bathroom. "It's looking at me."

"What?" He searched every inch of the medium sized bathroom but couldn't find a thing...until his gaze landed on the floor, specifically the space next to the towel rack and the counter.

Pietro sighed heavily and glanced at you, a small grin playing at his lips.

"Is that it?"

"What do you mean is that it? Of course that's it?!" Under normal circumstances you pride yourself in being calm and taking  control of the situation, knowing that losing a bit of dignity because of this thing was going to haunt you in the morning, but you were not about to step foot into the bathroom until that eight legged, six eyed and hairy complete freak of nature is dead and buried. Period.

"It is only a spider, and I have seen bigger where I come from, yes? So, everything will be fine!" Pietro may have sounded convincing, but you knew he was trying to keep you from panicking further. Not that you could help it, one of your biggest fears from childhood just spawned inside the one place you consider a necessity and you weren't prepared to deal.

"Kill it, will you?" You stood behind him, unaware that he was about to turn around when you bumped into each other. Did I forget to mention that Pietro is wearing nothing but a towel? He really likes late night showers, they relax him and keep the nightmares at bay.

"I. Am. So. Sorry."

It figures! The one time I get to possibly see Pietro nude, it's because of my worst, and most ridiculous, fear.

"Good news is, the spider is already dead."

"Bad?" You say innocently, blatantly ignoring your current inappropriate position.

"The bad news is it has fallen out of the paper towel I put it in and onto your chest."

That was the straw that broke the camel's back. With renewed strength, you pushed (threw, who can remember?) poor Pietro off you and made a mad dive for your covers. Though he managed to properly dispose of the arachnoid, whilst chuckling under his breath, Pietro spent the night in your room to ensure you are OK. Not that he'd let you live it down in the morning. Although you could do without a 'cover hog', thank you very much, you are happy to now have a 'cuddle buddy'.


A/N: Short, yeah. I needed a short one after weeks of writing 1000+ oneshots...

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