Pancakes Run The World

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A/N: ...I think there's a plot in here if you squint. There's also a reference if you blink. Sorry it's so short. I'm great at titles, can't you tell?


The first thing you noticed when you woke was the alarmingly bright sunlight seeping through the curtains, the second was that you regretted not brushing your teeth before bed - Pizza does not taste well the next morning.

Except as leftovers.

Third, your feet landing on a hard, very human, chest instead of what was supposed to be plush carpet was the last thing you expected.


"Oh God, I'm sorry!" Your eyes widened in surprise and it took you a minute to realize Loki had changed back into his usual immortal self. Minus the clothes. "Wait, how did you get down there? More importantly, why are you nude?"

"Sugar. Too much." He groaned and sat up, running a hand through his hair to tame the unruly curls. You had become accustomed to bizarre things happening around Stark Tower whenever you visited, so this really didn't come as much of a shock.

Whereas his hair is perfection, yours could be mistaken for one of those Troll dolls from the 90s. You hurriedly straightened it as best you could, your hair had a mind of its own in the morning.

"Weird. You guys can drink all the alcohol you want, but sugar is your Kryptonite?"

"It is my Kryptonite. I'm just different that way I suppose."

"Back to full sentences?"

"Shut up, Mortal." He flashed you a grin before you left for the bathroom. You more or less threw him a towel, seeing as he was definitely back to normal, and went about brushing your teeth. Definitely not focusing on his strong chest, or the way his biceps flexed when he moved and -


"So, you kids ready for breakfast?" A snarky voice suddenly commented, causing you to glance at the door, toothbrush paused, and Loki to look up in surprise as he (thankfully) held the towel securely wrapped. "Aw, I knew you two would have fun!"

Loki threw a pillow at Tony's smug face - succeeding in shutting him up, though you could still hear his laughter. You just hoped he wouldn't start anything with the guys at the table. It isn't like you felt anything for Loki; he was a former villain after all, and the king of mischief, so how can you trust him?



Breakfast was boring as usual, despite Clint's pancake eating contest against Thor. Which was silly, since the obvious winner would be Clint. You didn't think Thor cared much for pancakes, given he once said they tasted like little pieces of cotton dipped in peanut butter.

Not the best visual.

"So, only pancakes?" You asked whilst strolling into the kitchen. Glad that Stark had provided a decent set of clothes.

"Nooo, you are on waffle and bacon duty," Clint said teasingly. You sighed, aren't you the guest here?

"Hey, don't look at me - it was all Tasha."

Natasha gave him a generous punch on the arm and walked off in search of coffee, no one was really surprised at her stealthy abilities, though you could swear you felt the air change when she walked in. You weren't sure if that was a good sign or a bad one.

"When did she get here? Did you see her come in?" Tony whispered loudly to Thor, who chuckled and went about eating his French toast topped with whipped cream and anchovies. All you could say was that he had strange tastes whenever he visited Midgard.

Your waffles didn't turn out so great since Tony spent half the time trying to scare you into turning invisible, which failed since he isn't exactly the quietest person. Clint even joined in after a while until you threatened to hide his arrows again. Last time you did that he threw a fit when he couldn't find them for a month. He got revenge by painting your room neon yellow and taking your guitar picks, but returned them later after you both called 'even'. You still have no idea how he managed to get inside your apartment, but after that incident you made sure to keep the vents closed after you went to bed. Especially the vents.

"Where's Bruce?" You found a spot next to Steve, finally able to eat in peace.

The others exchanged glances, while Tony left the table and sat at the island instead.

"Don't all answer at once!" You smiled a bit, trying to lighten the heavy mood that had taken over and failing. Why was everyone so tense right now?

"Bruce left about an hour ago, or rather stormed out. We've been discussing what to do about the team, but Tony and Bruce got into an argument." Steve shrugged, knowing you could fill in the rest.

Natasha had told you a little of what was happening between the members of the team, about how they wouldn't always be together, and that Tony was working on something that could alter their lives completely.

That was the most you had gotten out of her in a while, volunteering information was not a thing she took lightly.

"Oh." You responded lamely while pushing around the bacon on your plate.

Clint cleared his throat - attempting to change the subject no doubt, and apparently grabbing no one's attention he continued anyway.

"So, I heard someone had a great night's sleep." He wiggled his eyebrows at you and Loki, who looked as if he were trying murder Clint with a menacing gaze alone.

"Anyone up for more bacon?" Two could play at this, you thought snidely.

Of course, Thor beamed at you and proudly held his plate out - proclaiming that you made the best bacon than any other mortal on Midgard. For that, he was definitely getting his own special box of poptarts from you!

I just hope none of us are torn apart for the sake of saving the world.

You knew it was selfish to think like this, but it killed you to imagine a universe without them - and without you.


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