Bruce Is Entitled

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A/N: Because I never see a jealous Bruce. Or one with glasses. In fanfic. I'll shut up.


"Hey, Bruce? Did you tell Natasha that we're about to watch Iron Man 2? I think she's somewhere training. Tony is practically bouncing off the walls and -"

"No, but I'm sure you will say it better. She listens to you more anyway."

You glance at him worriedly. What is with the attitude? Was it because of his fight with Tony?

You had found Bruce in the kitchen after searching everywhere, probably munching on his beloved pistachios. For a person being a destructive force of nature once angered, he sure was a hard man to find when you needed him.

"Uh, are you okay?"

"I'm fine," He contradicted this by slamming the cabinet door closed; with his back to you it was hard to tell if he was really angry or just annoyed. "Perfect, actually."

"Bruce, if you want to talk about it -"

"There's nothing to talk about! Can't a guy just eat some pistachios?"

"Bruce, calm down," You could see he was definitely getting upset and not breathing to slow his heart rate like he should.

This is bad. How am I supposed to calm him down? What the hell happened?

"Should I alert the other team members?" Jarvis' proficient voice drifted throughout the kitchen, you were so focused on Bruce you forgot the AI could hear everything as well.

"Uh, no. But stand by, Jarvis?"

"Of course." The AI replied smoothly. You knew if you didn't keep Bruce calm, things would get way out of hand.

Bruce gripped the counter top; he was making a considerable effort to control himself.

"Listen, whatever it is, I'm sure -"

"You aren't sure of anything." His voice had changed to the rough growl of the Hulk. Tony was never going allow you back in his Tower again.

You could actually feel yourself starting to panic, which usually meant the worse...

You were invisible. Looking at where your hands should be confirmed it. Being invisible was completely bizarre, fantastic at times, but bizarre. You could feel solid objects and pick them up, but you couldn't see yourself doing it, the same went for your clothes.

"Whoa, take it easy Bruce, just tell me what's bothering you!" You couldn't think about your problem right now, and instead focused on keeping the Other Guy under control. Thankfully, he hadn't shown yet, but his eyes were green and the counter top was seeing a lot more action then it should.

No pun intended.

"Natasha." He said reluctantly. You noticed his voice was slowly returning back to normal.

"What about Natasha? Is that what this is about?"

"Why didn't you tell me you and Nat were dating?"

Oh. My. Moffat.

"THAT is what you're angry about?"

"Well," He appeared to relax a little at your outburst. His voice completely normal now and arms crossed, he faced you - only to find that you were still invisible. It always took at least an hour before your body relaxed enough to change back. "I assumed - I mean, they way you two are suddenly going off together after missions and..."

Bruce was stumbling over his words, which should have been kind of endearing if it wasn't built on speculation about your love life, and hers.

"Yeah, it's true we've been spending a little more time together - mainly because we hit the gym and work on my lack of training. Okay? We are in no way dating, I don't even know if she likes dating. Or a specific gender. Or eating, when does anyone see the woman eat?"

"Oh, then..." He sighed, adjusting his glasses and looking for all the world embarrassed. As he should be. "I'm s-sorry, I just got carried away you know?"

"I could kill you, you know that?" You punched him in the arm, it was akin to hitting a rock but it was worth it. "Jesus Bruce, I thought I was going to have to tell Jarvis to write my will!"

"Actually, Mr. Stark has required that a will be written for each team member, including you, that is currently residing within the Tower." Jarvis responded. You weren't sure what to say to that, so you left it.

"I said I was's also a little unnerving that I can't see a punch from you coming."

A tiny smile was plastered on his face - you wished he could see that you returned it, despite how irritated you are.

"You should do that more often, smile I mean, it's pleasant." Normally you kind of failed at giving people compliments, and your honest opinion, where some would succeed on a regular basis, but when you did people knew that you meant it.

But Bruce was Bruce, you guessed.

"Uh, thanks. That's really nice of you. Going by memory right now, I'd say yours is nice too." He could see now why Natasha likes you. She valued honesty and independence - you seemed to have both.

"Aw, look at the happy couple."

You and Bruce looked around to see Natasha standing in the doorway, a feint smirk flittering across her full lips.

"Were you standing there the whole time?"

Why the hell am I being tormented like this? Does it say Napoleon on my back or something?

"Yes. I came in to check if you two Egg McLovin's were ready to start the film."

"Damn it, Natasha. I told you never to call me that here!" You were literally appalled; she however, gave a small laugh. Bruce just hid his by pretending to cough.

"You're both ridiculous. I'm watching the movie with or without your candy corn butts."

With that you left the kitchen, hoping not to scare the crap out of anyone along the way. You secretly wondered if that was the reason Coulson didn't drop in as much, you once thought you gave the poor man a heart attack by walking out of the bathroom and randomly started talking (That spider was BIG), though the look on his face was pure gold, Clint and Tony teased him about it for weeks.

Speaking of 'looks'...the one's Natasha and Bruce were giving each other were interesting to say the least, but you decided to leave it. It isn't your business anyway.

Not at all...even if you sort of wanted it to be.

However, Bruce didn't have the heart to tell you he was in control the entire time; it was just quicker to get info from you this way. Tony doesn't get to have all the fun, does he?


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