11. Confrontations

Start from the beginning

"But doing that would ruin his reputation with the-"

"Oh please. The man is as wild and changes taste among his women faster than his checking account rises per day. It's only a matter of time before the tabloids snatch onto that." She said waving it off like it was common news everyone was sure of.

I obviously was not part of everyone because I couldn't help my eyes widening and the gasp that left my lips at her words. This of course doesn't cross her prying eyes.

"You didn't know, did you?" She paused in front of me. I shrank back against the sink, mind reeling still trying to affiliate her words and their meaning.

"I...But Max said..." I stutter a hand resting on the sink behind me and one going up to my hair as my vision darts all over not seeing anything specific.

   "Already on first name basis ate we? But wait. So you actually thought you were special? Ohhh pooh. I crushed little Dessies heart." She crackled with laughter her high pitched tone torturing my ear drums.

"You won't let this out." I say eyes moving to her as my fist clench by my sides and anger fills my tone.

I'm usually not a violent person but at this moment, I can't help thinking this bïtch deserved to be finger fücked by Edward Scissorhands.

"Oh Desiree, that's what really gets me going-" She signed wiping off a nonexistent tear from her eye. "the fact you think I would hold such valuable information against you, and not make use it." by the end of that sentence all the 'humor' from before was gone, replaced by pure hostility mirroring mine.

    Shït. Not only would the job I'd just optained be at risk if Bimbo here decides to run her mouth, but Maxwell would probably be in some hot water with the board of directors over his private life aswell.

For some reason, the last part made me scared to shït of me causing such a scandal on the tabloids towards him. Which just made me more worried at the fact I'd somehow come to care more about the man and his well being than my nonexistent future getting a job anywhere with that on my name. Despite the fact I just unraveled about Max also being a player. Yet I still cared, after meeting the guy-what- two days ago? How the hell does that make any sense!?

I barely knew him and apparently I'm more worried about the periodic stutter in his career if this were to come out than my future position at McDonalds, asking 'Would you like a drink with those fries?'. Because your dämn right as hëll a man like Maxwell Knight would not let his empire be brought to it's knees by a stupid scandal between him and his secretary. Me on the other hand, lets just say I'm fücked if this comes out.

My pulse raced faster and faster with each thought until each individual beat is almost melting and blending into another. I can't stop the slight quivering of my hands and knees which had me clenching my hands tighter into fist to keep myself upright and stop my quivering hands.

"It's quite entertaining watching you process all this. Especially your reaction towards Maxwell's sëx life." She sighed, brooding with self satisfaction.

"But...but how could he be a player? He was so-and we...he said I was his mate" the last part was barely audible. But her jolt and her widened eyes told me she heard the word.

"What!? Your his mate!?" She hissed looking like she was seconds away from either clawing my eyes out or having a heart attack.

I take a frightened mostly confused step back as her eyes suddenly grew slightly darker with fury. She notices my jolt and turns away, her back towards me.

"Your-your eyes just-"

"Shut up!" She growled, her back still turned towards me.

I officially dislike this bïtch. Which is quite nasty considering it, takes allot to make me hate you. I pride myself in being a very patient person....most of the time.

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