Chapter 68

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"Lucy slow down!" Adam said as he was getting dragged from house to house.

"I can't slow down. Those people over there are taking all the good candy!" Lucy replied. She started out in a run but Adam snatched his sister up quickly. Lucy had been spending the whole afternoon getting ready. And now she was on the hunt for candy. And she seemed to very focused on her expedition.

"Don't worry you will get your candy." Adam promised her an exhausted eye roll.

"Come on let her go up to one door by herself." I said with a slight smile. He gave me a look as if not encourage her.

"Yeah I'm a big girl! I'm almost six!" Lucy but her hands on her hips. Adam groaned deeply and clenched his jaw. He was going to have to learn that one way or another, Lucy was going to start doing things on her own. But I don't think he realized that.

"Fine." He sighed softly. "But make sure you say thank you." He reminded. Lucy bolted out her brother's grasp she almost looked like a tiny blur. He watched her with cautious and careful eyes as walked up to the house that was decorated for occasion.

"Why do you do that?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Do what?" I asked with a hint of confusion.

"Anytime I tell her no, you tell her yes." He answered with crossed arms.

"That's because you're quick to say no." I told him as I watched Lucy knock on the door with wide smile."Adam she's not a toddler anymore. She wants to do things by herself. Even if it's certain things like getting her own Halloween candy."

An older woman opened up the door with a polite smile. "And who are you suppose to be?" She questioned warmly.

Lucy held out her staff proudly. "Maleficent!" She grinned in pride. We thought Lucy that would want to be a princess or a butterfly like everyone else. But the girl wouldn't hear of it. She wanted to be something different. And different she was. It took us two hours for our paper mache staff to stand tall. She said being a princess was a cliché.

I don't know where she ever learned such a word.

"Oh..I see." The older woman nodded her head. With obvious confusion on her face.

"I just want her to be careful, Ken." Adam mentioned to me.

"I know but she wants to do things with you having to. She's not going to be your baby sister forever."

Lucy came back before he even could reply.

"Come on! Come on! Let's go to the next house!" Lucy ordered quickly. She jumping up and down impatiently. We began to talk over to the next house but she broke away from Adam's grasp to walk ahead of us.

"Stay in front of me, Lucy." He warned quickly. She just waved him away dismissively with her hand as she moved quickly.

"Maybe you're right.." Adam mumbled. He laced our hands together slowly.

"What?" I asked. I glanced over at him briefly before setting my attention on Lucy. She walked up to another door and knocked on it lightly.

"You're right." He repeated.

"I heard you the first time I just wanted you to hear you say it again." I smirked before turning my head over to him mischievously. He gave me a playful glare. I gave him a smug look in return. I felt my myself be yanked over towards him. I let out a small laugh as he looked down at me with a soft smirk. His forehead rested against mine gently.

"Do you think you're funny?" Adam asked quietly.

"No." I smirked as I laced my hands around his neck.

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