Chapter 34

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After I came home I decided to take a look around the house. Room after room had the color scheme of pale blue, off white, and seafoam green. It almost seemed like every nook and cranny of this whole house was constructed and molded just for me. I guess my dad thought this whole thing through.

I walked through the hallway where there was nothing but pictures of me from when I was a baby until now. It almost seemed like a time line. When I was passing through another hallway and there was picture's of Aiden in the same order. I smiled at a picture of him when he was only a few days old.

Then there was a picture of when I was two meeting Aiden for first time. I was thought we had receipt for him and we could always take him back. But apparently that wasn't the case. But I think I loved him immediately when he peed on Liam's shirt. It was a good day.

I was passing through the hallways and there was this door that stood out from all the others. The door had a broader of seafoam green paint. I took a few steps to the door and opened it. When I opened it I was an complete awe.

There was nothing but pictures of Liam and me wall to wall. I felt my  jaw become slack as I looked at the pictures I probably haven't seen in years. I turned around slowly making sure I don't miss a single picture. In the middle of the room was a lounge chair and a mini projector and also a square gap in the middle of wall. I turned my attention to the projector and fumbled around with it until I found the play button. I turned off the lights and pushed play. I sat down in the old beat up lounge chair that had my dad's cologne and the after smell of beer embedded inside the cushions.

I stare at the man-made screen and observed. I saw a hospital bed and heard the sound of crying infants. "Carrie just say hi to camera!" I heard my dad say as if he was pleading.

"I just had two human beings rammed out of me in under an hour and you want me to say hi to a camera?" My mother looked at camera tiredly. Sweat was sticking to her forehead and she still looked flawless even if she did give birth to little human beings.

Then a nurse came in holding two babies "Mrs. Evans would you like to hold your children now?" She asked politely. My mother's tiredness with her face melted away into pure eager and giddiness.

"Yes, please." She beamed. The nurse set down the two infants in my mother's arms. The two babies were sleeping soundly. The baby on the left had a tiny pink hat and the baby on the right a little blue hat. My mother stare down proudly at her little wonders. She looked at peace and was on cloud nine.

"Look at them Steven.." she smiled softly.

"What should we name them?" My dad asked.

"How about Liam for this little guy?"

Liam scrunched his tiny face while he was yawning. My mom took hold of his tiny finger.

"I love it." He said quietly.

"What about this one?" She smiled dreamily.

" about Kendall?" Dad suggested.

"Kendall! You're kidding right?"

"It's a unisex name! We've been over this!"

"I don't want to have my little girl have a boy's name!" She protested.

"And what were you going to name our daughter?"

My mom looked down avoiding eye contact fiddling with my baby blanket. "Tiffany." She said quietly. Dad bursted into laughter. She shot him a death glare.

"Tiffany!" He snorted.

"Well it's sure as hell wont be Kendall!" She shot back.

Then the infant began to cry out loud. My mother already had this tired look on her face.

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