Chapter 57

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I heard the doorbell echo through the house. "I'll get it!" I shouted.

"No I'll get it!" Liam pushed me out of the way.

"Liam their my guest!" I pushed him back away from the door.

"Well I like people too!" Liam pouted then pushed me hard and away from the door then he opened it.


" Kendall here?" I heard a voice from the door. I scrambled over to the door and saw Callie, Mia, and Reagan. They smiled and said their string of hi and hellos.

"Hey come on in!" I smiled widely. "You can take your things upstairs and I'll be up in just a second. It's the third door your right,"

They smiled and nodded then walked upstairs. Once all of my new friends were out of earshot I grabbed Liam's ear and pulled him in the kitchen. 

"Ow ow ow ow!" Liam whined.

Then I let him go as we were in the kitchen.

"What was that for!" He glared as he rubbed his ear.

"Look! This my first sleepover and you're not going to ruin by being you!" I said acidly. If He ruined this night I will definitely make his life a major living hell. I wanted to make a good first impression for my new friends tonight. And Liam sneaking in isn't part of my plans. Not by any means. 

"I'm delightful!"

I rolled my eyes and looked at him. "You're going to stay out of the way! Got it!" I warned.

Liam busied himself by caressing his ear. "Yes.." He mumbled like a scolded child.


A few Liam-free hours later, things seemed to be going to plan. I wasn't sure how to act at a sleepover. I didn't have a truck full of secrets or heavy gossip. But the girls seemed to have all of that covered. The four of us were sitting around in a man made circle. I held my soda close to my chest as they spoke about boys or some celebrity I've only heard of a few times.

"Have you guys seen the new kid at school?" Callie asked with a giggle.

"No! Guy or girl?" Reagan asked wide eyed. Excitement and an abundance was alive in her expression.

"It's a guy. And he's really cute!" Mia said dreamily as she rested her head into his palms.

"Yeah I think his last name is Foster or something.." Reagan shrugged not remembering all the details but her smiled was evident with her braces.

"That boy is gonna be mine." Callie said laying flat on my bed.

"How do you figure that?" Mia asked looking at her.

"Just you wait and see.." Callie said being sure of herself.

I sat there drinking my Pepsi with a small smile. I wasn't really paying attention to the conversation I was just glad my sleepover was going great.

"You know who else is cute?" Reagan asked.

"Who?" Mia asked.

"Kendall's brother.." Reagan sighed. All the soda from my throat ignored it's initial destination  and was released out of my nose. I began to cough and wheeze as the sinister carbon dioxide from the drink burned my nostrils.

They all ripped open in laughter. They clenched their stomach while tears pricked their eyes. Meanwhile I was panting on the floor with little to no assistance.

"Why would you ruin a perfectly good sleepover by saying something like that?" I croaked. I grabbed a tissue and blew the rest of the soda out of my nose harshly. I could still feel the scalding soda run out of my nose.

"It's true." Mia shrugged as Regan and Callie nodded in agreement. The thought made my stomach churn with an unsettling feeling. 

"I'm going to get some snacks does anyone want any?" I asked my friends trying to recover from the soda squirting out of my nose. They all nodded softly and a string of yes and sure gave me my answer.

"I'll be back." 

I walked downstairs and grabbed some chips and Nutella. My eyes scanned around for other snacks and thing we can eat off of for the night. I saw the Cheeze-It box and grabbed them.


I turned around to find Aiden sitting on the counter with a smile.


"Why can't I go in your room?" He asked boredly as he swung his dangling legs off the counter.

"Because my friends and I are having...girl talk." I explained as I gathered the food in my arms.

"What's that?"

"I'm not sure just yet but soon enough I'll find out and be the first one to tell you." I promised as I kissed his forehead. "Thank you for not being a nuisance unlike your brother.." I rolled my eyes.

Aiden gave me a sweet smile and hopped off the counter and gave me kiss on the cheek then walked away. He's such a sweetheart. I hope he always stays like that.

I strolled out of the kitchen and climbed upstairs holding some of my snacks.

"Alright I got some of- Liam!" I yelled.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it. Liam was dancing around the room in my underwear. The undergarment was over his shorts as the idiot paraded around the room. I saw the girls in a fit of giggles. Reagan was on the floor trying to control herself as she covered her mouth. When Liam's bright brown eyes fell on mine he was no longer dancing but smile was evident on his face. Which made me even angrier.

"I get out!" I ordered as I pointed to the door.


"Out!" I cut him off. He frowned a little and began to walk out the door slowly. He stopped in place to take off the underwear.

"Ew! Keep them!" I cringed.

Liam held onto his underwear and walked out of the room. I closed the door behind him. "Ugh!"

The girls busted into quiet giggles.

I didn't understand. How was any of Liam's antics fun? They were complete embarrassing and cringe worthy. I couldn't leave my room for two seconds with him doing something at will make me look bad. 

"Aw..Kendall let him back in." Reagan pouted.

"Yeah I feel like we just kicked out a puppy." Callie laughed.

They were all crazy. Completely out of their minds. 

"You know what fine! Fine!" I threw my hands in the air. Then the door swung open revealing Liam with a sleeping bag and movies.

My jaw dropped. "Liam! Were you eavesdropping?" I glared.

"Duh!" Liam said as he busied himself placing out the Disney movies. "Okay so what do you want to watch first? Sleeping Beauty or Beauty And The Beast?"

I narrowed my eyes in deep confusion. But I have remind myself this was Liam we were talking about here. He lives for those movies.

I crossed my arms looking at my brother. My friends gathered around discussing what movies they wanted to watch.

Then I heard a soft knock. I turned my head to the knock. I opened the door to find Aiden at the door.

"Is it alright if I come in now?" He asked quietly.

"Come on in Aiden! It's a sleepover for everyone!" I heard Liam from behind me. Aiden slipped by me with a wide smile and entered my room. I told there looking out the onto the hallway. Maybe I should just walk out. I pushed the thought away then I shook my head as I closed the door.

Aw. This chapter was kind of cute. Alright guys here is another chapter for you guys I hope you enjoyed it. I may or may not have another one coming up we'll see. 😌

Stay tuned


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