Chapter 18

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I was sitting on my couch watching Divergent. I was in my sweat pants and a undershirt with a messy bun. Today was my lazy night where I don't give fuck about no one. I had my butter popcorn and strawberries with nutella. I am complete I haven't heard from anyone today. That's how I like it. I have the house all to myself Aiden's gone off somewhere to the woods with his friends. I jump on my couch and turned on the TV. The movie started I was relaxed and happy. No one could kill my mood. Then I heard this annoying loud high pitch ringing. It was my phone.

"DAMN IT!" I shouted. I want to know the ass that wants to call me on my lazy day. I snatched the phone Adam's face was on my screen I growled at the image. I smacked the answer button.

"Hello." I asked annoyed.

"Can you come over?" Adam asked firmly. Something felt dark and frightening took over my chest. It was like this unavoidable feeling in my chest.

"Yeah..I'll be over in a second." I replied. I hung up my phone and I went upstairs like a bat out hell. I ran to my room and threw on a sweatshirt. I grabbed my shoes and keys. I jogged out of the house without any shoes on. I flipped on my shoes in the car. I started the car and pulled out of my driveway. I stepped on the pedal. I began to grow anxious and thinking of all the possible things that can go wrong.

I tighten my grasp on the steering wheel. I pulled up to Adam's house. I climbed out of the car and walked up the house slowly. Nothing looked out of the ordinary but this feeling in my stomach told me it wasn't.

I rung the doorbell and I waited for a few minutes no one answered the door. But I heard the sound of shattering glass. I heard it coming from the back of the house I jogged quickly around the house which was not a light jog. The grass whispered against my shoes as I ran through it. I finally reach the back of the house which were covered with rows of expensive cars. I couldn't find Adam. I stepped on a shard glass. It scraped the concrete roughly but I backed away as if it bit me.

"When did you come in?" I heard Adam. I turned around and he was wearing a white undershirt and jeans. His hair was a mess. Adam's eyes were blood shot red. He was grasping tight onto a baseball bat. 

My mouth went dry. 

"Just few minutes ago.." I said softly. I felt a knot of worry and slight fear. He nodded slowly before trudging then all the sudden he swung the bat at one of the expensive cars. Shards of glass flew every direction, singing into the air. I winced and jumped away hiding my face from the incoming broken glass. Adam's balance was way off. He just kept smashing the windows making glass go everywhere like his life depended on it.

He throws the baseball bat at car window. I was shocked and my heart was beating in my ears. I think I might've turned pale. I saw slim and silent tears fall down Adam's face. He looked truly hurt and sadden. I think my heart ripped a little on the edge. Seeing him that raw was an eye opener.

I feel like there's a huge painful lump in my chest that won't go away. Adam started kicking the car viciously. Without thinking I walked up to him and grabbed his face. His face held in my hands snugly. His dazzling blue eyes were glassy like elegant porcelain.
I slowly pulled him towards me and wrapped my arms around him. I could feel that he was hesitant to hold me back but soon, I felt a warm pair of arms wrapped around my body.

There's something about Adam's touch that made me never want to leave his grasp even if someone paid me. Being in his arms gives me a sense of security and warmth. I didn't know how long we stayed that way. And I didn't care. Adam pulls me away from his grasp. He tangles our fingers together.

"Come on Adam I'll put you to bed," He nodded and pulled me into his house. We go upstairs and he opens the nearest door which was a guest room. The walls were relaxing blue and had a basic dresser and a king sized bed. It took up little room in the large space.

The whole room look sort like a lighthouse theme. Fish nets and seashells decorated the blank space of the walls. It was almost soothing. Adam took off his shirt and I gazed at his chest. I needed to stop doing that. I tore my attention from his chest then finally to his eyes. He climbed in bed and I waited until he was settled in. "I'm going to go but I'll come over tomorrow okay?"

"Actually can you stay the night?"
I looked at him. I never spent the night over at a guy's house before. You only live once right?

"Sure." I shrugged. I climbed in bed with Adam and he almost instantly dragged me next to his chest. He turned off the light.

"Good night." I said quietly.

"Goodnight Kendall."

And just like that, Adam was fast asleep. I feel his chest rise and fall. I couldn't believe that he fell asleep that fast. This makes me see a whole new Adam I've never seen before. I don't know what made him get to this point but I felt almost sad myself. I slowly close my eyes sending me to a deep sleep.

*gasp* a surprise chapter?!?!?
I'm totally multi tasking right now I'm watching the Grammys and wrote this chapter in under an hour. Damn I'm flawless. Lol just kidding. Anyways this a new side we've seen to Adam. It's pretty new to me too so I'm learning Adam also as I go too. The more I write my characters the secrets and hidden past come to surface. Also we have reached 300 reads!! That's so crazy! I hope you guys are falling in love my characters as well as I am. My goal now is 500 read then maybe 1k so we'll see what the future holds. Well this little brown girl is out.

Much love💕


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