Chapter 4

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(👆👆Callie is above👆👆)

After I finished the portraits I had the Carpenter's pick out which one they wanted. I've seen Samuel do this so many times it was almost second nature. Rule number four. Always make sure the project comes out into a success. The twins sat on their parents lap while the baby sat in her carrier fast asleep. They all stand up to leave they wrangled up their children.

"Thank you so much for taking our portraits. I know my kids can be quite a handful." Mrs. Carpenter laughed.

"I just take their pictures. You have to go home with them." I responded with a smile. I stand and I shake the couples' hands.

"Thank you I'm sorry if I doubted you before you really are a good photographer." Mr. Carpenter smiled.

"Thank you Mr. Carpenter," I nodded.

I'm just grateful that I didn't screw up. But on the same side it felt good to know weren't completely awful at what you want to do for an occupation.

"Tell Samuel that I'm sorry about his hand and to give me the hospital bill." He gave me a ghostly half smile.

"I'm pretty sure he'll take you up on that offer."

I wasn't kidding he'll jump at the chance.

"Thanks again and see you this Christmas." Mrs. Carpenter smiled pointedly. I slipped Jacob and Grace their chocolate bars discretely.

"Pleasure doing business with you." I told them quietly.

Grace and Jacob giggled then left without another word.

Once they were completely gone, I let out a breath. One I didn't know I was even holding.

I cancelled all the other appointments. It was just me for about twenty minutes then the bells jingle again. I didn't look up because I was finishing my notes. "Welcome to Picture Perfect may I help-" I stopped myself. "What in the hell do you want." It was more like a demand than a question.

Adam Foster stood tall as he gave his signature and mind splitting smirk. The only thing between us was the desk. Thankfully.

How can one person ruin your mood faster than turning off a light switch?

"Hey gorgeous." He smirked.

This day is getting better and better by the hour isn't it?

"What are you doing here?" I asked with annoyance seething through my voice.

"I just wanted dropped by.." He said innocently.

He can't leave me alone can he?

"Who told you where I worked?" I interrogated.

"Well your friend told me." He answered. He strolled around the desk. I raised a brow at his comfortableness. He grabbed a seat across from me and plopped down in it.

"Which one?"

"Dirty blonde hair. Green eyes. Really nice ass." He smirked.

Callie. It was plain and simple I was going to kill her.

My eyes sliced a sharp glare at his perverted statement.

"Watch it, Foster." I snapped.

"Don't worry your ass is way better." His voice sounded like velvet between his scentences.

"What do you want from me exactly Adam? I've turned you down but yet you keep coming back." I laughed dryly.

He leaned back in his chair lazily. "I see you as a challenge. I asked you out but you turned me down. I complimented you. But you took it as an insult."

I shrugged airly. "What do you want me to say? I'm just not a person that will swoon just because Adam Foster compliments me on my eye color. If that's what you were looking for go find someone else to play with.." I said with a bite to my tone.

He stared at me for a minute I stared right back. I couldn't read his expression. I stared at his mesmerizing blue eyes and oddly..I could stare at them all day.

"Let's make a bet." He smirked. I raised an eyebrow. I felt like this was nothing but bait.

But yet I found myself asking, "What is it?"

The corners of Adam's mouth curved upwards. "I'm going to try to win you over until the day before homecoming. If you're not attracted to me then I will stop being a player. But if you become attracted to me then it just proves my point that you're like every other girl in school." He challenged. He acts like he won this already. I also see the bait has been set. All I had to do was bite.

But now that I've started thinking, it would be fun to beat him though. "Do we have a bet?" He grinned. He put his hand out for me to shake. I was hesitant to shake his hand. I was thinking of all the things that could go wrong.  Nothing could go wrong. I shook his hand. "It's a bet." I replied reluctantly.

His eyes lit up with mischief. "Oh one more thing." he leaned in slowly to my ear. "Saying I love you is bonus points." He whispered. He shot chills up my spine. How come I feel like I just sold my soul to the devil?

I nodded slowly he pulled back but we were still holding hands. It gave me this unwanted tingling feeling. "Okay so we need go over ground rules." He announced.

"Whatever." I pull back my hand and shifted in my chair. I could see Adam smile a bit playfully.

"You have to give me a chance." He told me.

"What do you mean?"

"Well if I want to take you out you're going to have to let me." He elaborated slowly.

I'm willing to win this so I'll follow any rules.

"Alright fine. Anything else?"

"Uhh..kissing that breaks the deal. I can kiss you but if you kiss back I automatically win. If there's a game like spin the bottle then it won't count." He thought aloud.

"Yeah. I don't think I wont be needing anything in that department.
I just have one thing." I mentioned.

He rolled his eyes at me. "Which is?" He asked.

"What about your little girlfriends?" I asked. There has to be some side hoes crawling around. Unless he did a clear extermination.

"That won't be a problem. Right now things are a bit slow. I've already let go some of the dead weight. So you have me all to yourself." He grinned mischievously.

I rolled my eyes in disgust. Then that girl from this morning popped into my head. I couldn't help but feel pissed off all over again. Ignored the feeling and focused back on him. "Is that going to be my nickname?"

He grinned at me again."What? you don't like it?"

"Ah no." I replied.

"Then yes it will be." He grinned pointedly.

I glared at him. "So are you going to have to tell people about this bet?" I asked.

"I don't think we have to." He shrugged. He was staring at me again. Like full on gazing at me. I watched him study my features. Was he trying to remember me by heart?

I shifted in my seat a bit uncomfortable.

"You're doing it again." I mentioned.

"Doing what again?"

"Staring at me." I mumbled quietly.

I guess he didn't notice but he blinked and looked away. "I have to get going. I'll pick you up at your house tomorrow morning." He said. He seemed kind of in a daze. He stood from his seat and walked towards the exit.

"But you don't even know my address." I smirked and folded my arms to my chest.

"Don't worry I'll find away. I always do." He winked. I smiled then he left and I was alone again.

The bet is on!! Who do you think we'll win? Kendall or Adam? Put who you're rooting for in the comments below.



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