Chapter 61

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I stayed in bed for three days. I'm still brewing about the other day. Adam hasn't called me or texted at all since he left. And I sure as hell wasn't going to call the prick. He maybe my prick but he's still a prick.  It's a like he doesn't trust me or something. My phone buzzed off and turned my attention to it.
Mia: Hey we haven't heard from you lately. Texts us whenever.

I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone today.

I turn my attention back to my book. Within the next two hours I finished my book and I've got no more messages. I put my beats pill on full blast. I leaned back in my bed.

I drown everything out and listen to the music. Close came on my speakers I glared at the pill and skipped the song. I rather not listen to something that reminds me of Adam.

You Don't Own Me came on my miniature stereo. I stared up at my ceiling. All of the sudden I felt saddness wash over me. I miss my asshole of a boyfriend but I refuse to apologize for something I didn't do.
Aiden swings open the door with an annoyed look on his face.

"What's wrong?"


He rolled his eyes "Bullshit." He walks up to me and sits next to me. He turns off my music and I frown at him.
"Adam and you must've got in a fight or broke up."

I glared at him.

I shrugged and grabbed my blanket and wrapped it around my body. This is why I love objects more than people they what their suppose to do. It felt warm inside my little make shift safety tent. It was dark and comforting like I like it.

"I'll be back." Aiden said with a hint of anger in his voice. I shrugged it off thinking he going to some nerd thing I grabbed my pillow and laid down on it. This is now my safe haven.

[Aiden's POV]

I walked out of Kendall's room irratated and annoyed leaving her in a tight curled ball of blanket. I felt bad for her she was just rolled up in a mini depression.  I hated seeing her this way especially over some intolerable, maddening, wealthy, bad boy cliche. But if thats what she likes then so be it. I went to my room and picked my phone and dialed a number. I waited for Adam to answer. I walked downstairs I stepped out of the house.


"What did you do?"

"What are you talking about?"

"My sister is upset because you must've done something stupid. Now I'm going to repeat my question. What did you do?"

Adam was silent for a second.

"We were at the mall and I left her for two minutes then I come back and she's dancing with this Raymond guy."

God this guy is an idiot.

"You're trying to tell me that you threw a temper tantrum because you saw Kendall dancing with her old dance partner and a family friend might I add."

"I didn't throw a tantrum it's just very time I leave her she's dancing or hugging some guy that's an old friend. "

I can't believe I'm having this conversation right now. Kendall sure knows how to pick 'em.

"But she's dating you! She could talk to any guy but she had to talk to you! She likes you Adam no one else. Kendall is not your possession she's a person. Now you're going come over here and apologize because I'm not going let my sister be upset because of some feebleminded jackass!"

I hung up the phone because I already know he's going to do what I say. I walked back in the house and went to Kendall's room. She was sitting inside her bed watching Netflix on her laptop with her blanket wrapped around her. "Hey." She sounded pissed.

"Hi you doing okay?"

"Just peachy." She mumbled.

"What are you watching?"

"Lady and the Tramp." It's one of her favorite movies.

"Okay..can I go to Connor's house to sleep over?" I need to get out the house.

"Sure what time are you coming back?"

"Maybe seven in the evening?"

"Okay have fun." I become happy at the thought that she lets me do what I want. But it would be nice to hear a no from my mother once in a while. If she was ever here. Kendall paused her movie and analyzed me.

"I'll take care of it." She simply saids. She knew the exact reason why I'm upset. She goes back to her movie and I step out the door. Kendall always wants to take care of me but I want to take care of her too.

[Kendall's POV]

I knew my brother wanted our mother around more often and I was going to make that happen. Just because one of her children are gone doesn't mean she just suddenly stop being a parent. My dad is no better but at least he vists us on a regular basis. I think Aiden and I have a closer bond to him he has never stop being our father.

I heard the front door close which means that Aiden's gone and I'm home alone. I finished watching Lady And The Tramp. I started to browse through the movies. I heard pebbles at my window I got out of bed. Adam was outside my window. I open it and walked away from it. I crossed my arms waiting for him to come in. Adam climbed inside. "Hey." He saids blandly.

"What? No gorgeous?" I said rudely. He crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. There wasn't any kind of charming smirk or mischief in his eyes it was just blank. "I hope you know you're an ass." He took a step towards me.

"I know." He stole few more steps towards me.

"And that you got mad at me for no reason."

"Yeah.." He was close to me.

"You do know that-" Adam grabbed my face and crushed his lips against mine. I was really mad at him but it takes all of me not to run my hands through his hair. I miss his soft lips even though it's been three days. Adam's tongue ran over my bottom lip asking for permission. But I ignored the request. He bit down my lip. Ah fuck it. I cracked my mouth open letting him explore me. His hands traveled down my hips. I pulled away and looked at him. A look of guilt was in his eyes.

"I was being a jealous ass. It's not that I don't trust you, I just don't trust other guys. I was wrong and I'm sorry.." I laced my fingers with his.

"I'm sorry for calling you was uncalled for." I sighed.

"Don't worry about. Is there anything else you haven't told me?"

"Well..just one thing."

"What's that?"

"I'm not a virgin." I looked at him. His mouth curved upwards into a smirk.

"I know."

"What do you mean you know?"

"Kendall I know a virgin when I see one." I rolled my eyes and gave him a slight push. He laugh a bit and I move away from him and sits on my bed.

Adam laid beside as he studied me like he didn't want to forget every inch of me.

"Yes?" I asked politely. I looked at Adam his mouth tugged into a small smile.

"I missed you."

"I've missed you too." I leaned in and kissed him gently. Adam grabbed me and held me close.
As in instinct I grabbed his hair which made him groan. My heart beats uncontrollably. He kisses my neck frantically like it was need. His grip on me was tightly but greatly appreciated. I felt that familiar knot begin form. I craved him very badly at this point. He lays me down slowly with a small smirk. "Just relax.." He said softly before he kissed my lips.

Okay I'm get right to the point. Did Adam and Kendall have sex? Yes. You guys aren't stupid. You know it happened. I wrote that it happened. It just happened okay.

I'm debating if I should post another chapter. Comment if you want me to.

Stay tuned


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