Chapter 8

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I wiggle as i gain consciousness, and find myself free of Harry's arms. I sit up, and look around the room, looking for my curly haired lover. He obviously isn't in our room...

I slide off the bed and make my way to the kitchen, but instead of finding him, I find a note and Zayn. I take the note in my hand and smile at Zayn.

Lillian, I will be back in a few hours. I went to the gym for no reason...see ya


I read it over and over, just because I love his hand writing in general. I wish I could go with him. I look towards Zayn, and he reads my mind.

"I can take you, Harry won't mind if you go." I nod and he grabs his car keys

"You should probably change, unless you wanna get raped." He tells me, and I look down, being able to see my black lace bra through the white t-shirt. I gasp and run towards Harry's/I's room, hearing Zayn's laugh from the living room. I quickly changing into an off-the-shoulder shirt, put on a pair of light blue jeans and put a bit of makeup on and run back to the living room, finding Zayn on the couch playing temple run.

"Let's go!" I yell and run out the door towards the lobby, remembering about yesterday, and how the guy looked at me, especially how mad it made Harry, making me stop dead in my tracks.

"Lillian, get behind me. I've heard the guy in the lobby is a serious douce." He tells me and I get behind him as instructed.

The man is sitting at the desk, bandages on his face. He looks towards me and gives a small smirk and I cringe. Zayn and I walk out of the lobby and end up in front of a red Nissan centra. The click of the lock sounds, and we get in.

The drive to the gym is as quiet as it gets, but it's not awkward, it's actually comforting.

We arrive at a big building, I see Harry's car parked in the lot. Zayn pulls up in front of the doors and I open the door.

"Thanks Zayn!" I yell and he gives me a big smile and nods, I close the door and run to the double doors.

I go inside to find buff men and women everywhere pumping iron, and I immediately feel insecure. The man at the counter gives me a warm smile, which i gladly return.

"May I help you little miss?" He asks me

"Yes, do you know where Harry might be?"

"Harry? So your the girl he's been talking about? Your even prettier in person. Follow me." His smile goes brighter and it reaches his eyes

"Yea, and thanks." I giggle a bit as we walk towards a boxing ring with 2 guys in it

"He's right over there." I turn to see Harry in one of them, taking on a man the same size as him. He kicks him in the stomach and the other guy falls. Harry pins him to the ground, counts to three and tells him he's out.

I take a seat at the table near the ring, and get on my iPod so I don't interrupt.

"Harry I think you have a visitor." I hear a man whisper, and I hear footsteps coming towards me.

"Hey love. What are you doing here?" Harry sits down next to me and wipes his sweat with a towel. I take it from him, and wipe the places he missed.

"I came to see you." I take a look at him, he's wearing baggy gym shorts with no shirt, making me look at his tattooed torso. I trace the designs with the pad of my finger and smile. He has so many meaningless tattoos, but what if they mean something to him?

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