Chapter 5

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I take the suitcases I had gotten a while back and start folding my clothes and putting it in. Harry offered to help, but all he did was jam them into the suitcases. He had gone to his apartment to freshen up, and he had been gone for about 10 minutes now.

I heard a knock at the door, and my heart stopped. I didn't want to open it. What if it was my mother? Or those men who were after me?

"Lillian, it's Harry, your mom isn't here." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, relieved it wasn't someone who I didn't want to deal with right now.

I opened the door for Harry and continued to pack my things, and i mean ALL my things, not just some of it. I was actually almost done. Harry was on his phone doing something, but he looked up knowing I'd be wondering probably.

"I'm sending my roommates a text, telling them about the extra member of the apartment." He laughs, and I can't help but giggle

"Ok." Is all I can think of saying


My mom still isn't home by the time I'm done packing everything, so I start putting everything in my car. Harry's sitting in his car waiting for me to finish, since I told him I could handle it. I was struggling pretty bad, and Harry seemed to notice.

"Still think you can handle it?!" Harry asks from the car

"Hell yea!!" I yell

I could hear Harry's lovely laugh from where I was, and I couldn't help but join him.

"I'm gonna go get the last of the bags, then we can leave!" I yell as I run into my childhood house and up to my room

I take the heavy bags and roll them down the stairs and out the door to my car. I throw them in the back seats and yell to Harry.

"I am officially done!!" I yell

"C'mon, follow me to get to the apartment!" He rolls up his windows and starts the car.

I step into my car and turn the key, it welcomes me with a purr. I call Harry and put him on speaker.

"Why'd you call?"

"In case I get lost.." I laugh

"Alright." He says and laughs along with me.

He moves his car forward so I can back out of the driveway, and we begin our little trip to my new apartment for life.

"Ok, I see why you called, I don't see you behind me anymore." Harry's laugh fills my car

"Told ya, now where do I go? I'm on maple avenue." I tell him waiting for his instructions

"Oh, take a left turn at the end of the road." he says, and I do as he tells me

I spot his car parked in a parking lot of an apartment building and take the parking spot next to it. Harry steps out of his car and comes to the window, tapping it signaling me to open the door, or roll down the window. I open the door of my car and get out.

"Yes?" I ask Harry

"Hurry up." He says and laughs

"Fine." I huff

He takes my wrist in his hand and guides me toward the entrance of the apartment building. Harry opens the door for me and we walk in.

"Hey Harry." the man at the desk calls out to Harry. Harry looks at him and gives him a glare, but the man gives me a cold smile, and I find myself shivering.

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