Chapter 6

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Hey guys! I fixed the chapters!


I wake up with something squeezing my stomach, I look down and realize it's Harry's grip on me. I try to pull him off so I can get up, but he tightens his grip instead. I let out a sigh, but since it's Saturday, I've got nothing to do anyway. I skipped my internship yesterday, but I told my boss it was personal problems, and he understood.

I flip around to face him in his arms, taking notice of his features. He looked like an angel, but I knew he was far from being one. He was smiling in his sleep, you could see both dimples, but no teeth. His eyes flutter while he sleep, so he was probably thinking very hard, or having a dream.

His eyes fluttered open, and I was the first thing he saw.

"Good morning beautiful." He said and gave me a smirk

"Good morning handsome." I replied still trying to get out of his grip

"Oh sorry." He tells me

"Nothing will happen to me, I was gonna go make some tea. I wouldn't leave your apartment without telling you." I tell him

"Oh Lillian, it's OUR apartment." He tells me, and I realize something

"I HAVENT CALLED LOUIS OR LIAM IN DAYS!" I yell and he shushes me. I get out of his grip and reach for my phone

I call Louis first

"Lillian?" His voice is groggy and sounds tired

"Louis! Did I wake you?" I ask

"Not at all, just tired." He says and yawns

"I haven't called you in days, what's new?" I ask

"Well, I got a job at your favorite Starbucks..." He tells me and I smile, feeling giddy

"That's amazing! I'm going to visit you there so many times!!" I tell him

"Good, because I only started working there so I could see you more often, and so I can get money..." He mumbles the last part and I end up laughing

"Gee thanks Lou!" I say sarcastically

"Well then...what about you?" He asks

"Well, I moved into Harry's apartment, cuz my mom was being raped just so she could protect me..." I tell him and the other line goes silent.

"Are you okay Lily?" He asks me

"Yea." I tell him

"You could've come and stayed with me." He says

"I'm sorry. I will if anything goes wrong!" I tell him

"Okay, great. Bye Lillian! I gots to go!" He yells

"Bye Lou! See you at Starbucks later?" I laugh and he tells me he'll be there if he wanted to or not. I hang up, and turn to Harry who just so happened to be right behind me.

"Who were you talking to?" He asks me

"Louis!" I yell and smile

"Who's he?"

"The guy who glared at you in physical education." I tell him simply

"Oh." Is all he says as he walks to the bathroom

I call Liam next, he picks up quickly

"Hey Lillian!" He shouts and i smile

"Hey Liam! What's new? I haven't talked to you in dayss!" I shout back

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