Chapter 7

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We all head to my table in the corner, Liam and Louis on the opposite side of Harry and I. If you walked into Starbucks at this very moment, you would just feel the tension between us 4.

"So, Harry, what made you think going out with our baby girl would be so easy?" Louis asks and chuckles

"Well, everything, until just now." Harry shoots back and furrows his brow making a crease in his forehead, cringing at the way he called me theirs

"We're gonna ask you a couple questions Harry, if you get them can keep going out with our baby girl. If you get them wrong, well you know." Louis looks confident, and looks over to Liam to continue

"I'm still going out with her either way." Harry entwines our hands beneath the table, and I squeeze his hand in reassurance, and giggle at Louis and Liam

"Question one, how old is Lillian?" Liam looks at Harry and waits for an answer

"18, thanks for going easy on me." He says and squeezes my hand back

"What does she prefer? Blue, or pink?" Louis asks dramatically

"Blue." Harry says simply

"Woah." I say and Harry smirks

"What's her favorite book?" Liam gives a smile in my direction and I grin

"The Fault In Our Stars." Harry looks to me, I nod, and he smirks

"What would your idea of the perfect date be?" Louis looks to Harry

"Anything, as long as I'm with her."

"Awwwww." Louis, Liam, and I all say in unison

"Yea, yea." Harry rolls his eyes and looks toward the door

"No need to be sassy!" Louis yells and goes back to the counter, I follow him so I can order something

"Hello Sir, I'd like a cotton candy frap." I say in the manliest voice I can pull off, but end up laughing

"Coming right up sir!" He yells and starts making it. After a few tries, he gets it right

"Finally!!!" He yells, and I can't help but laugh at his childish heart

"I think I should put on the whipped cream..." I tell him and he gives me the can. I squeeze it, and I get some one Louis.

"Sorry Lou!" I yell and he licks it off, I try again, and get it right. I make a perfect cone of whipped cream, and snap in his face

"WHAT NOW!!!" I yell and take my frap to my table, giggling along the way

"You got skills girl." Liam tells me and I high five him, I sit down next to Harry again and offer him some of my frap, but he turns it down. I sip as quietly as possible but end up making huge slurping sounds in the quiet Starbucks. I start to feel a pain in my stomach

"Louis, Liam, Harry? I don't feel so good." I tell them, holding my legs to my chest against the back of the wall, they surround me and I feel trapped, hot in my head, and dizzy. I push them out of the way and make my way to the restroom in the back, knowing I needed to throw up . I run into one of the stalls and puke my guts out, I hold my hair back so I don't puke on it. I hear footsteps, and the stall door goes flying open. It's none other than my three boys, they watch for a moment, and then rush to grab things. I sit on the bathroom floor as it finally ends, and I am given a .towel a cup of water, and a couple mints. I take all three and begin the cycle.

I take the towel, wiping my tears, sweat, and stomach acid. I drink the water slowly after, and suck on the mints. I thank them, and Louis and Liam sit next to me on the floor, putting their arms on my shoulder.

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