Chapter 25- Lunch date

Start from the beginning

We  sign in and sit and I cuddle into David's chest not wanting to see the dirty looks I get every time I'm here.

They call my name and we walk through the door and the nurse leads us into a room and tells us the doctor will be with us shortly.

I sit on the table and David moves to sit on the chair and I scream out "No!" He jumps in shock and turns around. I make grabby hands at him like a baby and he laughs and sit on the table behind me. I lean my back into his chest and he rubs my bump while we wait for the doctor.

The doctor walks in and raises an eyebrow and I feel David shrug. "He's being clingy today" David says and I whine and pout. "I'm not being clingy!" I huff.

David chuckles and kisses my cheek. "I'm just teasing baby" he says and I continue to pout.

"Okay Wyatt we're going to start with examining your skin to see if you have any "dry patches, dark spots or stretch marks." He says and I nod my head. I lift up my shirt and he examines my belly.

"You're very lucky you don't have any stretch marks yet." He says and I nod in agreement.

The doctor then checks my blood pressure. "Okay we have to do the thing you hate, checking your weight" He says and I whimper shaking my head.

"Baby. You're okay" David says and I shake my head. "I don't want to see how fat I am!" I yell and David sighs.

"Then don't look" he says.

"Fine" I say and get off the table slowly.

I walk to the scale and get on and shut my eyes tightly. I step off of the scale and get back on the table.

"Okay you are at the weight you should be at so good job." He says and I nod my head.

"Now I'm going to measure your uterus and check your baby's heartbeat. I lay down and lift my shirt up and he measures my uterus and then checks our daughter's heart beat.

"has she been moving as often as your last appointment?" He asks and I nod my head.

"Okay I just need a urine sample and then we just gave some things to discuss" He says and I get up and go to the bathroom.

After I finish I sit back on the table after handing him the cup he grabs his doctor chair and sits down grapping his clipboard.

"Okay the first issue we need to talk about is cord-blood banking. Cord blood is the blood left in a baby's umbilical cord or placenta after birth. Cord blood contains stem cells which help treat some diseases such as blood or immune system disorders. We can collect and store it in a cord-blood bank in case it's needed by you or your family." He says and I look behind me at David who's rubbing my bump.

"Whatever you want babe it's your decision" He tells me and I kiss his cheek.

"I'd like to do that doc" I tell the doctor and he marks something down on the clipboard.

"Okay now we should discuss preterm labor so that way if it happens to you we can be prepared. So some of the signs are; Backache, which usually will be in your lower back. This may be constant or come and go, but it won't ease even if you change positions or do something else for comfort, Contractions every 10 minutes or more often, Cramping in your lower abdomen, Flu-like symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. If you can't tolerate liquids for more than 8 hours, you must see your doctor. Increased pressure in your pelvis, Bleeding, including light bleeding. If you experience any of these call me and I will meet you at the hospital" He tells us and we nod.

"Okay that's all for this visit. Your next appointment is on December 16th" He says and hands me a card and we get off the table and leave the room.

We walk out of the office and towards the elevators. David pushes the down button and I cling to him and hide my face in David's arm. We enter the elevator and ride down.

"Are you okay button?" David asks quietly when we get in the car. I immediately grab his hand. Needing to touch him. "I don't know. I just feel like if I'm not touching you I'm going to have a panic attack" I say quietly.

David kisses my forehead "What do you want for lunch baby?" He asks me. "Panda" I tell him. He smiles because I didn't fight with him for once.

He pulls out of the hospital and drives towards Panda Express.

He pulls into the parking lot and he let's go of my hand I whimper and feel my chest constrict painfully. I hear my heartbeat in my ears and I feel like I'm going to pass out.

"Wyatt!" I hear a voice and I look over at David who is touching my thighs causing me to breath easier. "Breath Wyatt Breathe I'm right here" He says

"I'm sorry" I choke out feeling bad for being so clinging. "It's okay babe. Come on let's go eat." He tells me.

He grabs my hand and pulls me up out of the bed which is kind of hard with my belly in the way.

We walk towards the entrance and he opens the door for me and we walk in and walk towards the counter.

"Hi Welcome to Panda Express how can I help you?" The gentleman says and David signals for me to go first.

"Yeah we'll have this here, I'd like fried rice and double orange chicken please" I say and he nods and looks towards David. "I'll have fried rice Beijing beef and Orange Chicken" He says and we walk towards the register.

"Would you guys like something to drink?" She asks "Yes two medium sodas please" I say and she nods "You're total will be $18.77" David hands her his card and after she hands us our receipt David takes our food and finds us a table while I grab our drinks.

I walk to the Soda machine and get me Dr.Pepper and him Pepsi. I find our table and slide into the booth and hand him his drink.

"Why thank you kind sir" He says and gives me a fork.

My face drops when I realize he's not touching me. David notices and but his hand on my inner thigh.

We start eating our delicious food. "Have you thought of any names yet?" He asks and I nod. "Yeah I like the name Molly" I tell him and he nods "I like the names Amelia or Daisy" He says and I give him a face that causes him to burst out laughing.

"I take it you don't like those names" He says and I nod my head quickly causing him to chuckle once more and kiss me.

We have light conversation while we eat and we both laugh up a storm the entire time. David stares at me and I blush.

"You feeling better button?" he asks and I nod my head. "I think I just needed to spend some alone time with you" I say and he nods "I think so to. I'm glad we did" He says and leans over and kisses me my eyes flutter closed and he deepens the kiss and then pulls back leaving me breathless.

He pecks my lips one more time and we get up throwing our trash away. We leave Panda express and I hear my name being called "Wyatt!"

I turn around at the sound of my voice and who I see causes me to stop dead in my tracks with fear coursing through my body.


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