Chapter 3.

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"Diana you have no idea how sorry I am. I wish I could take it back. I hoped everydatly that you would forgive me. Then I recieved your wedding invitation... and it killed me knowing you moved on. But I went and I was there for you .. and"

" Liam just stop. You broke my heart. But I found another love. I found Dan. And I loved him. And ... god Liam he just died! Even if I could forgive you I can't move on that fast!" You start to back away from him but he grabs your shoulders.

You whimper in pain because where liam grabed you was where you had a scar from Dan abusing you.

Liam immideatly let go. Scared that he hurt you.

"Diana I."

"Leave me alone Liam please" you started to rush out og the house when you saw Louis. You were in tears and he saw you and rushed over.

"Diana what's wrong ??? What happened?? Are you hurt?"

You could only shake your head through the tears and sobbs.

"Come on lets get you cleaned up." Louis told Elanour to keep the company busy while he helped me into the guest room. ( I know don't yell at me. I am a larry shipper too. But the story makes more sence like this... )

Louis helped me up the stairs and into the bathroom. He got a town and wet it so it was nice and cool. He placed it on my face cooling me off and removing my make up . Not asking one question.

He brushed my hair for me and pit it up in a messy bun. He left the room for a second and came back with some of Els pajamas.

"Diana you are more than welcome to stay here tonight. You don't have to tell me what happened. But you are like one of my little sisters and you can tell me anything okay?" You nodded slowly. " get a shower and here are some pajamas for you and help yourself to anything."

He turns to leabe but as soon as he opens the door to leave you get up and hug him. "Thank you Louis" he smiles at you and goes back to the party.

You get a quick shower and make your way down the hall to the guest room. You pass the staird leading to the living room when you hear shouting.

"I don't care how you feel about her. She just lost the man she loved and you have the nerve to ask her something like that.?" That was louis voice you could tell .

And you had this gut feeling in your stomach telling you who he was yelling at.

"Look Lou. I love her. I loved her then and I love her even more now. She is strong and loving and caring. And I need her." It was Liam you didn't want to believe it but it was.

"Look Liam I know you love her but this. Is crazy. You can't just go profess your love and wverything go back to normal. It doesn't work like that."

"Well maybe it could. I need to talk to her. "

You could hear him start for the steps. But you couldn't move. As he roumded the corner he saw you and froze.

"Diana. I .... did you hear that... ??" You nod your head looking at him plainly.

"What did you... um... think.?"

"What did I think? What did I think. I think that maybe just maybe you should listen to me. I can't forgive you Liam . You broke me just like Dan!"

I froze when I realized what I said. And started bolting down the hall to my room.

"Wait . Diana. How did Dan break you. Please tell me ." He caught up to you and held you close hugging you. "Please tell me. Let me in. I've been lost without you. And I only want to help. "

"He abused me... okay..." I looked up into Liams eyes that were full of tears and confused. "Dan abused me......

A/N: ahhhh sorry for the cliffhanger !!!! I was just so tired. what is Liam gonna say??? please comment and like and put it in your library . it would mean the world to me!!! - xoxo Danielle

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2013 ⏰

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