
"Why what?" He asked.

"Why'd you save me? You could have let me fall, why didn't you?" I asked.

"I don't know...."

"Come on Loki, you wouldn't have let them drop me and caught me with your staff for no reason, I feel like I deserve better than 'I don't know,'" I told him.

"Something told me not to kill you...."

"A little voice inside your head?" I laughed. He smirked his devilish smirk, which admittedly was handsome.

"Something like that"

"But why?" I asked again

"Because you....you had mercy, kindness when dealing with me.....I don't know....something told me to not let them kill you....."

"Really?" I asked. Loki took pity on someone simply because they were kind to him? Maybe his adolecence was rougher than we know. He nodded. I smiled. Instantly he turned his head. Maybe I had gone crazy, but I could understand that something was interfering with his mind.

'What is happening to me? Am I changing? I am just a human....aren't I? Far out Loki, what have you done to me'

"Run kiddo" He told me lowly. I looked into his eyes, which were they threatening yet full of....fear? I took my opportunity and made a break out the window, as Tony flew in. I continuously dodged aliens. As one was about to hit me, it was blasted out of the sky. I looked to my side. Nightmare.

"What are you...?"

"You know that day I wanted to speak with you? You really needed to hear me out...."

"You have 1 minute, go," I told him, shooting another.

"I'm not a bad guy..." He began.

"Say what?" I laughed loudly.

"The real bad guy is my boss, The Shadow Master.....he looks pretty well exactly like me, suit and all completely a copy....he always frames me, so he is always free...I've never killed anyone in my life, my job is basically to take the fall and escape, and I always get caught trying to help! But because we look so similar, they hate me and capture me thinking I'm the bad one" He told me, shooting an alien away. My mind was going crazy with many thoughts.

"That's why you didn't want to fight me? That's why you fell? You did that on purpose to not fight?"

"That's right babe. I'm not a bad guy." I momentarily raised an eyebrow with a frown

"Why do you call me babe?"

"Because you're very cute" He winked

"Can you somehow prove it? That it's not you committed those crimes?" I questioned

"The Shadow Master will be around....he won't be helping us, he'll help Loki I know it" He told me.

"You'll help us?" I asked

"Yes, I promise..."

"And if you break it?"

"You can arrest me or something," He told me genuinely.

"Alright then.....welcome to the Avengers....for now," I told him. He shook his head with a pleased smile.

"Thanks, babe......the shadow master will NOT be pleased," He told me with a nervous chuckle

"If he comes for you I'll blow him up," I told him

"OH, are you flirting with me now?" He smirked

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