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"Goddammit!" I yelped frustratedly. I looked at Loki one last time and ran upstairs. Something told me not to leave him alone, but what could I do? They might need my help. I ran up the stairs as Fury shot at a soldier in the door who was shooting in. An arrow came flying in and blew up a section of the computers. I flew at the soldier and kicked him into a wall, knocking him out. The helecarrier started tipping.

"Engine 4 is down!" Agent Hill yelled. I began running through the building. I had to find Stark.

This attack surely wasn't any attack.

They were trying to get to Loki.

"Where's Stark?! JACK!" I called, running through a hallway.

"He's outside repairing the engine ma'am" Jaya replied. I picked up speed and flew up and out of the helecarrier. I saw Tony next to the side of the engine.

"Anything that can't be fixed in a hurry?" I asked him, hovering beside him, my wings flapping loudly.

"This is fixable. I need you to do one job okay?" He said.

"Alright, what is it?" I replied.

"I need you and Jack to go and hit those soldiers with all you've got. That will keep them off for long enough for us to get the engines back up" He told me.

"Okay. That I can do! Good luck Stark!" I nodded at him, flying towards one of the entrances. I saw Steve jump and belt a grenade away mid-air, and saw a soldier begin to shoot at him. I flew in and knocked him over, kicking his gun away. "Don't kiddo" I winked, taking a step over him and walking away sassily.

"Thank you!" Steve called with a small, exhausted chuckle.

"Thor and the hulk are on the detention level" A speaker boomed through the helecarrier.

"Sir the hulk will tear this place apart!!" Agent Hill screamed into her radio, which  I'm not convinced was intentionally left on. My heart stopped.


He was dangerous. And he was in danger. People do crazy things when they're scared.

'They might try to hurt him.' I began running to the detention level with Jack close on my heels.

By the time I got there, a shield pilot had locked on the hulk.

"Target acquired," The radio said, and the pilot began shooting at hulk. Hulk lost interest in anything else and put his hand up to stop the fire from hitting him.

He was pissed now.

He ran out and jumped for the plane.

"Target angry! Target angry!" He panicked into the radio. Hulk began ripping apart the plane.

"Thor! Thor!" I cried, hitting his cheek gently.

"What? What's going on little one?" He asked, slowly sitting up.

"Go get Loki" I begged hastily. He jumped up and picked up his hammer, running quickly to Loki's area. I flew upwards and watched as the plane exploded, throwing Bruce outwards quickly and the pilot into the air. I flew and grabbed the pilot, bringing him back to the entrance, putting him down gently. "You good man?" I breathed. He nodded shakily. I sat him down and rose upwards.

Halo - (A Marvel fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now