"Um...I-I'm Ganondorf, the Leader of the Gerudo Tribe..." he answered truthfully, bowing a bit just in case some respect for this man was needed.

The man's eyes went wide, and it looked like his whole body had stopped functioning and had frozen over. Like he had realized something very important to him.

"G-Ganondorf, you say?" he questioned, and closed his eyes deep in thought, furrowing his eyebrows in the process. "That sounds too familiar..."

"What do you mean?" Ganondorf asked. "We have never met."

'Now that I think about it, this man looks oddly familiar as well...that's strange,' Ganondorf thought.

The man let out a deep sigh, before opening his eyes and staring down Ganondorf again.

"Who are you, then?" Ganondorf asked.

"I am..." he trailed off, trying to remember the title the princess had bestowed upon him. "I am Sir Link of Hyrule. The bodyguard to Princess Zelda."

Now it was Ganondorf's turn to be shocked. The name, 'Link', also sounded all too familiar to him...but why? Then, his shock over the name quickly died down and returned as shock as to what his affiliation was.

"Y-you're the bodyguard of Princess Zelda?" Ganondorf asked in disbelief, earning a slow nod from Link.

Images from earlier today flashed across Link's mind one by one, reminding him of what he had just committed. His grip on the bow in his hands tightened, as he tried so hard to mentally push all those terrible images away from his head. But that's all he could think of right now. Absolutely nothing would help him right now. He was too traumatized from what he had just done.

"I-I am," was all Link could sputter out, before he heard loud shouts and cries emit from the room where the King was.

Ganondorf's head cocked in the direction that the noise came from, examining it for a moment, before he turned back to face Link, staring at the young Hylian in confusion.

"So, what happened to the King?" Ganondorf asked, and those few words seemed to send chills running down Link's spine.

Fear encased his mind, as he tried to come up with the best possible excuse for what had happened. Link couldn't bluntly just say aloud that he was the one who killed the King, and now he was running away by Zelda's orders. Definitely not. That would ruin everything and would cost his life. But Link was not good at lying, or coming up with dirty lies to use and trick people with.

"I-I...no one is sure. All we k-know is that he was shot in the back with an arrow, leading us to the conclusion that someone was attempting to assassinate him..." Link mumbled, using the calmest and most nonchalant voice he could pull off.

Ganondorf nodded, seeming convinced by the Hylian's words.

"If you're Zelda's bodyguard, tell me what she is like," the Gerudo suddenly said. "I've heard many rumors from my own village that she is ruthless and unkind and mean. I mean, when I had my meeting with her earlier today she seemed just like that, but I wasn't sure if it was just her royal ego or anything...is she always like this? Does she treat you and the others in the palace like shit?"

Link raised his eyebrows at Ganondorf's sudden question, before nodding quickly in reply.

"She is exactly like you make her out to be," Link said honestly, not wanting to lie anymore. His thoughts from earlier seemed to be clearing up as well, but they soon returned at the mention of the Princess's name.

His head lowered and he shrugged.

"I have a feeling that Princess Zelda was involved with this..." Ganondorf mused, scratching his chin in thought and gazing out one of the pristine glass windows.

The Legend of Zelda: The Fall of Hyrule ✔️Where stories live. Discover now