Chapter 22 - Best Friends

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As soon as we got back to the hotel we all headed back to our rooms. Everyone needs some time to process what happened and have a moment to themselves. The car ride was very silent, none of us knowing what to say after the events that occurred. The girls all walked down the hallway as I stopped in front of my room. I pulled my key out of my pocket and unlocked the door. I know I need to go talk to Harry about what happened, but I figured I should let the situation diffuse a little longer. I know a nice, long, hot shower will help me relax. I can gather my thoughts and figure out what to say to Harry.

When I walked into the room I found Emily, sitting on my bed. I almost forgot that she was here visiting me. So much has happened since she arrived. Yesterday morning feels like ages ago.

"Em," I said as I put my bag down on the floor. "Hey."

I haven't given much thought to our fight yesterday, not since last night. I've been caught up in so much other drama that our fight seems so small. However, I know it wasn't and it's something that needs to be addressed.

"How are you?" I asked as I walked further in the room. I stopped walking once I was standing right in front of her. She said nothing, but instead gave me a cold look. I let out a sigh as I looked down at the ground. "Please don't tell me you're still mad at me."

"Of course I'm mad at you, Kat." I looked up at her and saw just how angry she was. "I mean, why shouldn't I be? You've kept so many secrets from me for so long. No, I'm not just mad, I'm furious. I'm absolutely pissed off."

"Em," I started, though she quickly cut me off.

"No, Kat. It's my turn to finally speak. You've had your chance to speak and explain your side of things. I want a chance to express how I've been feeling."

I closed my mouth and silently sat down on the bed next o her. She's right, she deserves to have a chance to speak her mind. I know she has a lot she wants to let off her chest. I settled in on the bed as I prepared myself for a long conversation.

"I feel like a complete idiot," she started."You seemed so happy after that night at the club. It was refreshing, to see you smiling all the time rather than moping or being stressed out. Sure, you were sneaking off from time to time, but i figured it was something dance related. I mean, if it was anything else I assumed you would tell me. I let it slide because I didn't want to take away from your happiness. It had been so long since you were that happy and I was going to be the one to make you stop feeling so good."

I thought back to when Louis and I first met. Things were awkward at first, but once we became friends I was so happy. It was the happiest I had felt in a very long time. Whether it was texting him or talking on the phone or hanging out for a few hours, I was always happy when he was in my life.

"Then, one day your happiness stopped and you became very distant. You were quiet, you weren't eating that much. You spent hours upon hours at the studio, to the point where you practically lived there. And when you finally did come home you locked yourself in your room. I didn't know what to do or how to help you. How could I when I didn't even know what was wrong? I thought giving you your space would help you clear your mind and sort things out."

When Louis broke things off with me, that was the lowest point of my life. I didn't know how to function anymore. I didn't know how to do anything other than dance. It was my coping mechanism. Emily tried to reach out to me, but I pushed her away. I alienated myself and focused everything in me on my dancing.

"When you got the job offer it was like the old you was back. I was so happy to have my best friend again, because I missed her so much. I was so upset when you left, but I knew you were heading on to bigger and better things. I wasn't going to tell you not to go just because I was going to miss you. What kind of friend would I be if I put my own selfish needs ahead of your own?"

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