Chapter 12 - Hanging Out

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"I promise, tonight will be fun," Harry said again as we stepped off the elevator.

After we finished up at the venue and got back to the hotel Harry let me quickly change my clothes. I didn't want to show up in my sweaty dance clothes. He waited outside of the room until I was done. When I came out fresh and in comfortable clothes we rode the elevator up two floors. He had been telling me the entire time that I wouldn't regret hanging out with him tonight. While I'm sure I'll have a good time with Harry that's not what has me so concerned. 

"I'll take your word for it," I said as I followed him down the hallway.

"Here we are," he said as we stood in front of the door.

"Is this your room?" I looked him over wondering why he hasn't pulled out his room key yet.

He shook his head. "No, it's Liam's." He turned towards the door and knocked on it several times. "It's Harry," he yelled through the door, hoping that would encourage someone to open the door quicker.

I stood there awkwardly as we waited for someone to answer the door. I hope that Liam doesn't mind that I'm here to hang out in his room. I don't want to impose. It was one thing when I thought everyone would be in Harry's room. Now that we are in someone else's I'm even more unsure of my desire to come.

"Harry," a familiar blonde hair boy smiled as he opened the door. "What took you so long? We've been texting you like crazy."

"Sorry, I was preoccupied," he said, a hint of a smile on his lips.

"Well, I'm glad you finally showed your face. Food should be here any minute."

"Great. Niall, you remember Kat, right?"

Niall, that's his name. I recognize him from the party the first night. Other than Danielle introducing us we haven't had much interaction with one another. I've seen him around the venue a couple of times but we've never had a proper conversation.

"Hey," Niall said as he looked at me. "Good to see you again."

"You too," I smiled.

"I ran into Kat while I was at the venue and I invited her for dinner," Harry smiled.

"I hope that's alright," I added in. The last thing I want is for the other boys to hate me because I showed up when I wasn't invited.

"Sounds good to me. I doubt anyone will have a problem with it," Niall shrugged. "Come on in, the gang's all here," he said as he opened the door wider.

Harry walked in and I quickly followed behind him. I heard Niall close the door behind me. Niall led the way and Harry and I followed behind. The hotel room is very big, most likely a suite. I've never seen a room this big and I did my best to take everything in while keeping up with Harry. He continued walking until we walked into the living room where a group of people were sitting.

"Hey guys," Harry said as he walked into the room.

"Harry," a group of people yelled. It was a small group of people yet I still feel overwhelmed. I'm in a room full of strangers, minus Louis and Harry.

"Glad you could make it," the boy with black hair said.

"Took you long enough," the one with short brown hair teased.

"I'm here now," Harry said as he smiled. He turned towards me and gestured for me to come closer. "Guys, this is Kat. She's one of the dancers. She's going to be joining us for dinner."

"Kat," I heard a familiar voice.

I turned to my right and silently sighed in relief as I saw Danielle, who was sitting next to to the brown hair boy. "Dani," I smiled.

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