Chapter 19 - The Concert

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I spent the rest of the day waiting around my hotel room for Emily to meet me. I thought she would at least want to head over to the arena with me. However, after waiting around for so long I knew she wasn't coming back to the room. I grabbed my bag and headed towards the lobby. There's no sense in making myself late if Emily won't even reach out to me and let me know where she is.

Chad was standing in the lobby when I got down there. He spotted me and walked over. "There you are. What took you so long?"

"Sorry," I said as I adjusted my bag on my shoulder. "I was waiting for my friend but she didn't show up."

"Well come on," he said as he grabbed my hand. "We're running late. I had to send the other girls ahead of us."

He proceeded to drag me out of the hotel and towards a black SUV parked nearby. He opened the door for me and after I climbed in he got in. He closed the door and the car began to pull away from the hotel.

The two of us sat in silence as we made our way to the arena. I wasn't really sure of what to say. I'm still processing what happened between Emily and I at lunch today. Not to mention what happened between Louis and I last night. It's been an eventful couple of hours, that's for sure.

"Are you okay, Kat?" Chad finally spoke up.

I looked at him and nodded. "Yeah, I'm okay." That couldn't be more of a lie. I'm far from okay. I'm the complete opposite of okay.

He raised an eyebrow as he looked me over. "Are you sure? Danielle mentioned that you weren't feeling well yesterday while Tricia said you didn't look well before practice. And you quickly ran past me and took off before we started rehearsing. It's just - it's not like you."

I sighed as I looked down at my hands. "Everything is fine, Chad. I promise, there everything is okay. Can we just drop this, please?" I asked as I turned away to look out the window. I'm tired of talking about how I'm feeling or if everything is okay. I want to forget about my crappy life, even if it is only for a few minutes during this car ride.

"Okay, I'll drop it," he said, although by the tone of his voice I knew he didn't want to.

"Thank you," I said quietly.

Soon I felt Chad put a hand on my shoulder. "I want you to know that you can come to me for anything, Kat, I'm here for you."

I nodded my head without saying another word. This is not the time or place to dump all of my problems on Chad. The minute I open my mouth I know I'll break down, and I can't afford to do that at the moment. I need to focus on tonight's show and performing to the best of my ability.

We spent the rest of the car ride sitting in silence. The driver must have noticed how we were not speaking because he quickly turned up the radio. An unfamiliar song started playing in an attempt to drown out the silence in the car.

After a couple of minutes we arrived to the venue, which already looked busy with fans showing up. Chad got out of the car and I followed him through the back door. He led me down a hallway and opened up a door for me.

"Here's the dressing room. Change quickly and meet everyone backstage to stretch."

He closed the door as he left and I quickly changed into my costume. I threw my bag of sweats with the other dancers before sitting in a chair in front of the mirror. Hair and makeup popped in and, luckily, did everything at a quick pace. Tonight's routine was rushed compared to every other night, but I still look as great. When I was finally stage ready I thanked my team and made my way to the backstage area.

I spotted Sam sitting on the ground as she was in the middle of stretching. I jogged over and sat down next to her. I began stretching, going through the process a bit faster in order to catch up to everyone.

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