Chapter 17

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I woke up to loud banging on my door.

"What?!" I angrily sat up and stared at my door. Seconds later my brother barged in.

"Did you fucking tell Dad about your faggotness yet?" I laughed.

"Uh, no?"

"It's not fucking funny!" He pushed my bad arm back and I winced in pain. "I'll tell him myself then." I sighed loudly not caring at that point.

"What do you think he's gonna do? Kick me out?"

"I fucking hope he gives you the beating you deserve." He stood up and walked towards the door.

"Oh yea not like the ones you gave me weren't enough." I mumbled before he slammed the door.

"Hey! Whats all that banging?!" I heard my dad yell out from his room. I heard Frankie stomping up the stairs.

"You know your son is fucking an old man?!" I heard Frankie said as I rolled my eyes. I took another two pain killers, I'd rather get high than worry about this honestly. Or even over dose. I stared at the pills but decided not to take my life. People have it worse than me. I slowly got out of my bed and stared at myself in the mirror. I don't think he would hate me for being gay, but-
Bang bang bang.

"AJ? Can I come in?" I heard my dad ask.

"Sure." He opened the door and I turned to him.

"What's Frankie babbling about? He's saying your being intimate with an old man who's your teacher? Is he talking about Chris?"

"I asked the school for Mr.Jericho's email so I could ask him to come pick me up from the hospital, since I did't want Frankie coming and this is exactly why, because he's always drunk." I sighed. "I wasn't wearing any shoes leaving the hospital and I almost slipped on the floor, Mr.Jericho helped me by linking his arm with mine. So then, coming out of the hospital there was Frankie, again, drunk, and he assumed the worse."

"I'm sorry son. I know we have to do something about this, it's starting to become a problem." He shook his head.

"Starting? It's been dad. It always has been, him in general is a problem!" I raised my voice. "Is there any way he can oh I don't know..leave?!"

"I'll see what I can do."

"No don't see what you can do, do something, anything! Just get him out of my life!" I went into my dresser and grabbed some clean clothes and a plastic bag for my arm before walking past my dad. "I'm gonna take a shower, or is he in there?" I turned back to him quickly.

"No he went back into his room." My dad put his head down, avoiding eye contact with me. I walked upstairs, into the bathroom and slammed the door behind me.

Chemistry (Y2AJ/Chris Jericho x AJ Styles)Where stories live. Discover now