Flying Lessons

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Time went by faster than they all wanted it to

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Time went by faster than they all wanted it to. The first week was over, and they were having their very first flying lesson that afternoon. This has been particularly exciting for Rose who, both Al and Scorpius agreed wouldn't shut up about it.

Maddox, on the other hand, was just as elated as Rose was. They would spend most of meal time talking about it and discussing different tips and tricks to try. Max wasn't planning on trying out for the house team, but he did follow Quidditch continuously.

"Will you guys give it a rest," said Scorpius grumpily at lunch. "You've been talking nonstop since you saw the announcement on the notice board."

"Well your just in a sour mood." said Rose.

"I'm not," Scorpius replied stirring his eggs around on his plate.

"Yes, he is," Al said.

"No, I'm not," Scorpius repeated more aggressively. He stood up from the table and left the great hall heading toward Transfiguration.

Rose and Maddox looked at Albus.

"Scor got a letter from a neighbor friend of his back home," Al said.

"Apparently, Scorpius' parents had a row the other night, some nasty things were said; it's just got him in a delicate state right now. Don't mention anything to him, okay?"

Rose and Max got back to their toast awkwardly.

Not long after that, the three of them were walking onto the grounds for their flying lesson earlier than most.

As they stepped onto the Quidditch pitch where they were to begin class, they first saw Scorpius lying in the grass in the middle. He was looking up at the sky and absentmindedly pulling grass from the ground.

The other three looked at each other, they didn't really have anything comforting to say, that was normally Scorpius' job. He was the one who pointed out the positive situations in the friendship so far.

Instead of standing above him and making it awkward, or yelling their arrival and interrupting his daydreams, they simply took to lying beside him in the grass without a word. This was a lot more comfortable than Rose had thought it would be.

Scorpius glanced over at them, then back up at the sky.

"My parents are getting divorced," he said tonelessly. "But I'd expect Al has already told you that."

"We just heard that they had a fight." said Rose.

"Mom said that if it weren't for me, she'd have left my dad a long time ago. Dad asked why doesn't she do it now then, that I'm old enough to understand. To that, my mom told him to stop treating me like I'm a man when I'm just a boy. Long story short, I'll be coming home to my parents pretending to love each other for my sake. That is if mom doesn't pack up and leave before then."

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