Vladimir D'artagnan Everard

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"Are you gonna tell me your name?"

"Oh, I'm Rose Granger-Weasley." she smiled. Her surname was Weasley, but she preferred using both of her parent's last names to connect herself clearly to both Ron and Hermione.

"Yeah?" His hair turned her same shade of red. She laughed. "So you're the prodigy of both Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger?"

"Yeah." she smiled again, happy to be noticed as their daughter.

"Must be hard."


"Well, they left quite a mark, to be involved so closely in the demise of Voldemort and so closely involved with Harry Potter. I would assume that people would expect you to live up to them. You know, fill their shoes."

"I haven't gotten that much attention so far," she said. "A few of the girls in my dormitory noticed who my parents were but didn't treat me oddly at all."

"Well, that's good. So, that would mean that you're close to Albus Potter? He was sorted into Slytherin, right?"

"He was... And yes, we're close. We're related after all."

"How so?"

"My dad's sister married Harry so that makes Al and me cousins."

"Did she?" he said in surprise. "I never really looked it up. How do you feel about the sorting then? I'd expect it's probably hard for him?"

"I don't know, he's made a friend, Slytherins not all bad."

"But he's Harry's son..."

"He's Albus Potter..." she said slowly. "Harry just happens to be his dad."

"I couldn't imagine, having to live up to him." He shook his head.

"I heard a few remarks on the train about his being at Hogwarts, but other than that, he hasn't gotten that much attention either."

"He had an older brother, right?"

"Yeah, James."she pointed at James who was presently balancing a spoon on his nose for a crowd of girls.

"That's good. What I think is most likely, is that James there, paved the way for Albus, unknowingly. He broke the Potter comes to Hogwarts ice. He likes attention?"

"Oh yeah!" she laughed.

"That's a perfect setup then. Are you still gonna hang out with your cousin? Now that he's in Slytherin I mean."

"Of course I am." she said slightly affronted on Al's behalf.

"It's just, one of the boys in my dormitory told me that we shouldn't become friendly with Slytherins."

"Yeah," said Rose flatly. "A lot of people seem to have that idea. I heard you say at the start of term banquet that your mom was a Slytherin."

"Yeah, she was," he replied. "I'm not prejudiced, no, I was just wondering because the other first year Gryffindors don't seem too fond of them. I just didn't know whether to be at all cautious, my mom wasn't one of the sweetest people in the world."

"Wasn't?" asked Rose.

"Yeah she, it's not a big deal, it's just, she was a horrible person who isn't around now and my life is better because of it." he said this casually without looking up.

"Oh, I'm sorry." said Rose becoming awkward.

"Nah," he said brushing his mostly curly hair from his face, and Rose noticed that he also had pointed ears.

Rose Weasley and The Unfortunate Son of a LunaticOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz