Chapter 8

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                    (Ariana's POV)

I woke up to the smell of bacon and pancakes filling my nose.

A small smile spread a crossed my face knowing that it was Athena who was cooking her amazing food.

If we're being completely honest Athena isn't all that smart but her food is just brilliant.

If I could I'd hire her as my own personal cook but considering that shes already our third's mate that's off the table.

But still a girl can only dream you know.

Nate has still yet to find Eva. I know he's trying his best but I wish he was here.

But then again I know hes doing the right thing.

I could feel my wolf stirring and I knew she was worried about Nate.

We both were.

Deciding I should text him and see whats wrong I grabbed my phone from the night stand and text him.

"I guess you didn't sleep much last night. I could feel my wolf trying to connect with yours and she's restless. I'm worried about you Nate...."

I heard little feet patter and my door flew open revealing a very happy and excited Xavier.

"Mommy auntie Athena is making pancakes for me hurry!" He was climbing on the bed and I smiled at him but then I remembered my text to Nate.

"Xavier's up now, talk to you soon." I re-read my text message and sent it.

We both had iPhones and it showed me that he read it. I waited a minute or too and he still didn't reply.

"Come on mommy!!!" he said as he pulled on my arm.

I looked over at him and laughed.

"Okay okay! I'm coming I'm coming" I said as he kept pulling on my arm.

"I'm talking to daddy. Want me to tell him you said hi?" I know Xavier really misses him but he doesn't really show it.

He looked up at me and nodded his head.

"Can you tell him to come home mommy?" I smiled at him and kissed his head

"Yea sure thing buddy. Go downstairs I'll meet you there." He smiled and jumped off the bed.

"OKAY!" He jumped and flew right through the door for some pancakes.

I picked up my phone again and re-read the text.

I wanted to at least know that he was okay but he wasn't replying to my text message.

I tapped on the space and started to type again.

"Please stay safe okay? I know you feel like you can't come to me with this but just know that you can. Xavier and I miss you. We all do. And we want you home.. with Eva. So take your time but please just come home."

I sent the message but this time he didn't even open it.

Sighing to myself I decided to get dressed and go downstairs with everyone else for breakfast.

I look in the mirror and I see a girl who was running for her life of a rogue 5 years ago.

I see the same girl who was scared every night for years because she knew deep down she would lose her humanity and become a savage.

The Muted Luna (Sequel to TASW)Where stories live. Discover now