Chapter 23

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(Eva's POV)

I woke up to my phone's alarm. It was time for training and the sun was barely peeking over the horizon.

This is why pack training in the morning was important.

As you train the sun starts to peek and when it does your body becomes more awake to the surroundings.

So if your training hard in the morning before the sun, imagine how hard you will train when it starts to rise.

I heard noise coming from outside of my tent and I knew everyone was getting up now.

I walked outside of my tent and looked at everyone.

"Be ready in ten minutes, training starts then. We're having a few guest so lets not go to rough on them." I said as everyone smirked.

Its no secret that I take pride in knowing my pack is the strongest one here.

But I meant that it more of a serious way. The last time we trained with another pack the majority were sent to the pack doctors.

It was more of a warning.

"You excited about today?" Michael said sitting down.

I sat across from him but shrugged my shoulders.

"Nothing to be excited about." Michael gave me a blank stare when he looked up.

"You're telling me you're not at least a little bit excited to teach these cowards a lesson on how bad they treated you? How can you treat someone so bad especially another pack member."

I looked up at the sky and the stars were still shining and I stood up.

None of them know that Nate, Danny, and Alex were my brothers. They just know they were my old pack.

"That is in the past. We cannot dwell on it. We need to focus on training the other pack."

Michael stood up and nodded his head.

"You keep telling yourself that Eva, but you know just as well as the rest of us you want to hurt them." He winked at me and started walking away.

Michael has always been the only one to talk freely when he was with me sometimes it was uncalled for, but other times he made sense.

I changed into some shorts and a black shirt while putting my hair up.

"Everyone to the field."

We were all walking out there when I had seen Nate and his pack warriors coming out of the pack house.

His pack stopped walking and so did mine as he stood in front of his pack.

"If we train, then we train my way." Nate said.

I looked at him and nodded my head once.

"Your territory your rules." I turned around and looked at everyone.

"We play their way... for now." no one said or did anything but I knew they heard me.

"We'll start with a 2 mile run." Nate said and almost immediately I heard Michael in my head laughing.

"Two miles? That's it? That's why their slow."

"Silence." I said growling at him.

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