Chapter 16- Kyle

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It had been three days. Three days since Kyle had kissed Penny at the party. Three days since the kiss was ever mentioned. Three days since Kyle had actually talked to Penny. Kyle was glad he got a kiss from her, but it was so awkward. Especially when his friends were constantly teasing him about it.

As Kyle entered school, he gripped his backpack strap as it laid peacefully on his shoulder. All this week, he hated coming to school because all of his friends kept teasing him constantly. He was extremely excited for the weekend, mostly because he wouldn’t have to hear his friends tease him. Kyle didn’t see how it was such a big deal though. People kiss all the time.

Kyle pushed past the people lingering around the gym and finally found his friends, all in a circle talking about something. He pushed through while all of his friends greeted him with pats on the backs, and annoying comments. He rolled his eyes and dropped his bag down abruptly and joined in on the conversation.

“Kyle,” Michael said. “You’re still going to the trip in Minnesota, right?” Kyle nodded his head, and held his permission form up with the check attached to it. Kyle and his friends were very ecstatic about the trip, mostly because they would be able to miss schoolwork for a whole week. Also, they were all rooming with each other in one big cabin. Kyle looked around the gym, and from the corner of his eye, he saw Penny. She was conversing with Claire, Jennifer, and Katherine. 

“What are you looking at?” Brian asked, peering over Kyle’s shoulder. Brian smirked smugly at the sight of Penny and he patted Kyle hard on the back. “You should go talk to her.” Kyle turned back to Brian quickly as he shook his head. Brian rolled his eyes and replied with a simple “okay then”. 

Once they were dismissed, Kyle went to his locker and got all of his books for his first class of the day. During his first period, it was usually boring. They never did any projects or do anything fun in that class. They would just take notes and listen to their teacher, Mrs. Rawlings, ramble on about her life. 

By lunch time, Kyle was ready to go home. He was ready to sleep and get to wake up late in the morning. He was tired of waking up so early and almost fell asleep in one of his classes. Brian had to flick him upside the head a couple of times to keep him from falling asleep. 

Kyle entered the crowded lunchroom and got in line for food. Once his tray was full of nasty school food and had paid for it, he gently placed his plate down on the table where his friends were sitting. He sat down quickly and began eating while he listened to his friend’s conversations. 

“Kyle, are you ever going to talk to Penny?” Michael asked. Kyle shrugged and dropped his plastic, black fork on his tray of food. He sipped from his Coke can, and placed it down on the table while he was about to answer. 

“Yeah, sooner or later.” Kyle answered. Michael nodded, and then they returned to the group conversation. Kyle scanned the large lunchroom and found Penny sitting with Katherine, all by themselves. Max must have not been at school today, because it was usually just the three of them, not just two. He turned back to his table and his friends, while Claire tapped him on the hand. He looked up to her, and she nudged her head towards Penny’s table.

“Yeah, what about it?” Kyle replied. Claire rolled her eyes, and dropped her spoon she was using and pointed towards the table. 

“They look pretty lonely.” Claire stated. Kyle nodded his head. “I’m going to ask them to sit with us.” Kyle’s eyes widened, and he pulled Claire back down to her seat.

“No,” Kyle stuttered. “I’ll go ask them.” Claire nodded her head and turned back to her food, while Kyle got up from the table. He walked towards the deserted table, which only held two lonely teenage girls. He came up behind Penny and Katherine dropped her fork at the sight of Kyle. Penny turned around abruptly and stared at Kyle with an emotionless face.

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