Chapter 6- Kyle

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Kyle plopped down on his bed, which was covered with a dark blue duvet. He immediately pulled out his phone and started texting his friends. He texted Brian and Michael first, considering they are his most important friends. Of course, he cares a lot about his other friends, but Brian and Michael are his go to guys. Brian texted back first, and Kyle knew that he would. Brian was constantly on his phone, and never took his eyes off the screen. Instead of texting Brian back, he called him so it would be easier to talk to him. 

After multiple rings, Brian had finally picked up. “Hello?” 

“Hey, bro. I gotta talk to you.” Kyle said, pressing the phone to his ear. 


“So, I went to the popsicle shop today with Joshua, and Penny works there.” 

“What about Penny? Dude, you know she...”

“Yeah, yeah. I know, but she told me to leave. She yelled, and started crying I think.” 

“Why is it such a big deal? You know she doesn’t like being around you.” 

“I know, that’s just the thing. I want her to stop hating me so much. I never did anything to her. I just wanted to hop over that counter and give her a hug.” 

“Do you still like her?” Kyle set the phone down on his bed and pressed speaker, then twiddled his thumbs. He had no idea if he still liked Penny or not, again, she yelled at him and cried at his presence. He sat on his bed thinking, while there was an awkward silence. “Hey, you still there?” Brian asked.

“Yeah, I am,” Kyle replied. “I just don’t know if I do like her, she doesn’t like me and it would probably never work out.” 

“You should get a girlfriend, you know, someone besides Penny. It’ll help you get over the whole incident and stuff.” Brian suggested.

“No, I don’t want to find a girlfriend. Too much work.”

“You’re so lazy.” 

“Tell me about it.” Kyle said, laughing. Brian and Kyle continued to talk for the rest of the night, and eventually went on Skype and talked. Kyle couldn’t get Penny out of his head, and every time he thought about Penny, he thought of his dad. His dad was absolutely insane, and drove him crazy. Kyle was actually happy that his dad was in jail, hopefully has dad would learn his lesson in jail, as if making two teenage girls cry was enough. 

“He has a mental condition though, your honor. He had no idea whatsoever what he was doing.” The attorney said, defending Kyle’s dad. It was three months after the incident, and they finally got the trial going.

“Obviously he did, because he kept muttering under his breath ‘why did I do this’ and ‘how can I be so stupid’.” The other attorney said, trying to defend Katherine and Penny. 

“Where did you get that evidence?” The judge questioned, eyeing the attorney suspiciously. 

“My witnesses who were involved with the incident.” The attorney responded, keeping his head high. Kyle turned his head towards Penny, who was twiddling her thumbs, and eventually grabbed onto Katherine’s hand. A tear slipped from Kyle’s eye, and he quickly wiped it up with his arm. 

After the session, Kyle got up and proceeded towards the lobby. He grabbed a tiny plastic cup and filled it with water, and sipped it with big gulps. His mouth was dry from suspense and worry, and thought he might die from thirst. Suddenly, Penny, Katherine, and their families entered the lobby. Kyle had no idea what to do. Should he talk to them, ignore them, or simply pretend like they weren’t even there? Kyle corrected his posture, and made his way to the girls, who were talking silently while their parents were talking to other adults in the community. 

“Hi.” Kyle said, his hands shaking. 

“What do you want?” Katherine spat, giving Kyle the evil eye.

“I wanted to say sorry. My dad was awful to you guys, and I’m so glad you’re safe.” 

“I’m still not safe.” Katherine said, shaking her head furiously. “One day, you’re dad is going to return from jail, and make everything worse. Why don’t you just leave this town and never come back?” 

“Stop, Katherine. You’ve gone too far.” Penny said, pulling Katherine back. “Kyle, leave.” 

Brian’s voice echoed throughout his room, and immediately snapped Kyle out of his trance. “Bro, you hearing me?” Kyle nodded his head, and stared at his computer screen in front of him.

“Yeah, I’m good.” Kyle replied, running his hands through his hair nervously.  After thirty minutes of Kyle and Brian chatting, Kyle pulled his phone back out again and created a new message. He typed in Max’s phone number and began typing inside of the small box on his messages. Once he was done typing, he analyzed the text, and read it over and over it again. 

It read, “I need to talk to Penny somehow. Do you think you could find a way for her to talk to me?” Kyle nodded in satisfaction with his text and pressed the “send” button. Once the text was sent, he laid his phone back on his desk and let out a sigh. 

Suddenly, Kyle’s phone buzzed. 


Another short chapter, goodness, I'm sorry. Oh well, I will try my best to upload longer chapters!! So, I had my algebra exam today and it was really easy, and I barely even studied. Anyways, we didn't meet our goal last time, but I don't care. I really wanted to upload this chapter. 

I know there is no "love" or "happiness" in the story so far, but I'm getting there... hopefully. It will get there in the next few chapters or so. Hope you all understand...

Can we get 4 votes? And possibly some comments... I want to know what you think so far!

If you've read this whole author's note, I love you. Comment down below if you did and I'll follow you or dedicate a chapter to you.

<3 Maddie

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