Chapter 7- Penny

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Penny laid back on her bed and rubbed her forehead with her fingers. For some odd reason, she felt the need to throw her phone at the wall and pretend like nothing had happened. Penny wishes that the incident would’ve never happened, and that she had never met Kyle. But now, instead of staying away from Penny, the only thing Kyle wanted to do was get close Penny. 

Penny grabbed her phone and stared at the text messages Max and her had exchanged. The words “Kyle wants to talk to you” echoed in her head, and she couldn’t help but stare at those words on the screen. She had no idea what to reply, or do for that matter. Even though it doesn’t seem like such a big deal, it was a very big deal for Penny. 

After almost thirty minutes of contemplating on what to do, Penny eventually replied. She didn’t like her reply, but she couldn’t hide from her fear forever. Besides, it was just one teenage boy. How much harm could he do? Penny pressed the send button, and her reply read “give him my number then”. Once she had sent that text, she knew that she would probably have to talk to Kyle.

She dreaded the thought of that. 

Her phone buzzed, which was a reply from Max saying, “okay”. Suddenly, Penny’s mother yelled for her to come downstairs. Penny got up from her bed and ran downstairs, and immediately realized the smell of pizza was lurking somewhere in her kitchen. She ran towards her kitchen, jumping over objects and toys, which were her little sister’s. 

“Slow down hot stuff.” Penny’s mother said, handing her a plate of pizza. Pizza was definitely Penny’s favorite food, but then again, who didn’t like pizza? Penny’s little sister, who was only three years old, sat in the middle of the living room eating her tiny pieces of pizza. Penny smiled, and sat down next to her sister. 

“Nora, can I change the channel?” Penny asked her sister, grabbing the remote. Nora, being the sassy little girl she is, snatched the remote away from Penny and shook her head furiously. Penny shrugged, and continued to eat her pizza. 

Once Penny had finished a couple of slices of pizza, she returned to her bedroom and flopped down on her bed. She grabbed her phone from her bedside table and saw that she had lots of messages to read. Some of them were from Max and Katherine. There was one that really caught her eye though. It was an unknown number and it said “Hey, it’s Kyle”. 

Penny replied, simply saying “hi”. She had no idea what she was getting into, but maybe this is what she needed. Maybe this would help her in some ways. Actually, scratch that. Maybe it wouldn’t help her at all. That simple text that she just sent could change her life drastically. She didn’t care though. She might as well live life to the fullest, because her life almost ended nearly a year ago. 

Kyle immediately replied with a “we need to talk”. After she received the text, her ringtone went off. It was a call from Kyle. Penny pushed the phone up to her ear and said, “Hello?” 

“Hi Penny. I’m sorry for bothering yo-”

“It’s fine. What’s up?” Penny said, trying to be polite. Kyle stayed silent for a while. “Listen Kyle, I’m sorry for going off on you and your brother. It was rude and I’m sorry. I truly am.” 

“Thanks, it’s okay though.” Kyle replied. 

“Why did you want to talk to me?” 

“I wanted to fix things between us. Before the incident, I wanted to be friends with you. And now, it seems as if you hate me.” 

“What do you mean by ‘be friends with me’?” 

“I, um, I thought you were cool and I wanted to be your friend.” 

“Even though you were more popular than me?” 

“Yeah, I mean, well, I don’t know.” Kyle said hesitantly, lowering his voice to a whisper. “I think I had a crush on you.” Penny’s eyes widened, and her heart began beating fast. Not because she had a crush on Kyle, but the thought of her kidnapper’s son liking her was too much to handle. 

“Oh, well, that’s interesting.” Penny said, scratching her head nervously. She was an emotional wreck. 

“And, um, I think I’m starting to like you again.” Penny’s eyes widened even more, and a bead of sweat trickled down her forehead. This was way too much for Penny to handle. 

“Oh, ok.” Penny replied awkwardly. 

“My friend got tickets to this rock band concert, and something popped up and they weren’t able to go. They gave me the tickets, and there are two of them. I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?” Kyle asked hesitantly. After the words had slipped out of Kyle’s mouth, Penny burst into tears and hung up quickly.

Suddenly, Penny realized that school started in a couple of days. School was going to be difficult for her. Especially since she was going to see Kyle every day, and possibly have to talk to him. 

I guess people really do mean it when they say “school sucks”. 


I'm glad I got another chapter up! I'm not sure if I like this one or not though. It is pretty short, but I'm hoping you guys are liking it so far. 

OKAY SO PENNY AND KYLE ARE FINALLY SOCIALIZING NOW. Or, at least talking. What do you think...? Will she go to the concert or not? Leave a comment and I'll dedicate a chapter to one of you guys!

<3 Maddie

(p.s. I have some ideas for a new book but I'm not gonna start another one until I finish this one haha)

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