Chapter 4- Kyle

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“I wanted a popsicle!” Kyle’s little brother, Joshua, whined. “All I wanted was a popsicle and that girl just had to ruin it for me! Sweet Jesus, she needs to get her act together!” Joshua was a sassy little boy, and always made his family laugh with his remarks. Most of his sentences started with “Sweet Jesus” or “My Lord”, and even though he was only eight years old, he knew how to be the sassiest kid in school.

“Just come on Joshua.” Kyle said laughing. “Now, what did I say about controlling about your sassiness?” Kyle continued to laugh at his brother’s actions, and clutched his stomach. 

“It’s not funny.” Joshua said, crossing his arms over his tiny chest. “That girl was rude, weird, mean, and stupid for not giving me a popsicle. Next time I see her I’m gonna slap her.” 

“No, you’re not going to slap her. Believe me, she’s gone through a lot. Don’t give her more to stress with.” Kyle said sternly, glaring at his brother below him. Joshua shrugged, and continued to walk towards the old pick-up truck. 

“What was her problem anyways?” Joshua asked. “I mean, why did she yell at you?” 

“Lets just say, we are completely the opposite of each other and she absolutely hates dad.” Kyle said, putting the key into the ignition making the engine growl. 

“Dad’s in jail, he couldn’t have done anything to her.” Joshua stated, starting to mess with the radio. 

“He did do something.” Kyle sighed. “Why are we even talking about this? Just turn on some music or something.” Joshua rolled his eyes, and finally got to his favorite station on the radio. 

The ride on the way home for Kyle and Joshua was quiet and awkward. Kyle knew that Joshua wanted to learn more about this girl, but Kyle was too pained to even say her name. Kyle actually had a big crush on her a long time ago, he thought she was the one for him. The only problem was, Kyle and that girl were complete opposites. Kyle was the most popular guy in school, despite his family issues and his past, and the girl who Joshua was dying to learn more about was the type of girl who tried to stay away from as many people as she could. Kyle is like a Lemon Head, but he’s the chewy version with different varieties and friends. The girl is like the Lemon Head hard candy, plain and dull, containing no variety or friends whatsoever. 

“Please just tell me her name!” Joshua begged, breaking the silence. “Please!” Suddenly, Kyle’s favorite song starts playing on the radio, and Kyle turns the dial to increase the volume. 

“I’m not telling you her name.” Kyle yelled over the music. Joshua reached over to the radio and turned it off, covering his hand over the buttons.

“Tell me or I won’t turn your song back on.” Joshua said with a grin on his face. Kyle let out a frustrated sigh and finally gave in.

“Fine,” Kyle started. “Her name is Penny.” Joshua nodded, pleased with Kyle’s answer. Joshua turned the radio back on and leaned his head on the window.

“Do you know her?” Joshua asked. Kyle let out a groan, and rubbed his head with his free hand.

“Stop asking so many questions Joshua.” Kyle said, returning both of his hands on the steering wheel.

“Answer my question!” 

“Yes, I kind of do. Not really anymore.” 

“How can you ‘not really’ know someone when you’ve already met them?” 

“It’s complicated.” 

“Doesn’t seem complicated to me.” Joshua lifted his head and slouched back on the seat he was sitting in. “Do you like her?” 

“No.” Kyle replied, but he wasn’t completely sure if he liked her or not. Hopefully he wouldn’t like a girl who yells at him to leave a popsicle shop. 

“I think you do.” 

“I think you should shut up.” Kyle spat. “I used to like her but Dad screwed it up for me. I was so close to having her and Dad just had to go and ruin everything. She could’ve been mine, but it’s too late now.” 

“So you did like her!” Joshua exclaimed, doing a little victory dance in his chair. “Knew it!” 

“Exactly, I used to like her.” Kyle said. “But like I said, it’s too late.” 

“It’s never too late.” Joshua said. “Remember that time when I didn’t do my stupid homework? Well, my teacher extended the deadline, so therefore, nothing is too late. I didn’t do my homework, and thankfully, I didn’t get an F on it. So, nothing is too late.” Kyle scrunched up his eyebrows, trying to comprehend what his little brother just said to him.

“You make no sense.” Kyle said laughing. 

“I do make sense!” Joshua said, offended. “I’m just random and you can’t read my mind like mom does.” 



Thanks so much for reading! I hope you like it so far... I love writing this book and I'm hoping that I can finish it. Also, I may make a sequel if you guys really want me to. So, I've decided to this new thing. I will upload a new chapter if I get 4+ votes and at least 1 comment from one of you guys.

So, please vote for this chapter (and possibly the other chapters if you haven't already), and comment below! Also, message me any ideas you may have!! 

Also, thanks for (I think) 200 reads! :)

<3 Maddie

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