Girl Meets Sleep Over.

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"Thanks." Scott replies, rushing out of the room.

Melissa sits down next to me, sipping her coffee. "He definitely got his weird genes from his father." She laughs. "So, Maya, tell me a little about yourself. You seem to be close friends with Scott and Stiles now."

"Ah, yeah I guess I am. I don't know what to tell you though?" I admit, glancing over to her. Sometimes she gets this look on her face that makes my head spin and insides fill with nerves and I don't understand why. It's like a nurse wanting to know something look mixed with a concerned mother.

"Anything. Got any hobbies?"

"Yeah I guess. Um, just anything creative, like drawing and painting." I leave out things like sneaking out and getting into trouble even though I count those as hobbies.

"Really? Are you any good?"

"Yeah I guess."

"Do you have a part-time job or anything?"

"Nope." I give simple answers, not really in the mood for talking about myself but I don't want to be rude and change the subject. I've never really been the type of person to speak about myself, usually having Riley with me to do that.

"What do your parents do?"

"My mom's a waitress..." I trail off, not really wanting to talk about my father with her. Hopefully she's nice enough to not bring him up.

"And your dad?" I was wrong.

"He left when I was five."

"Oh. I'm sorry." She quickly apologizes, looking at me with sympathetic but loving eyes.

"It's okay."

"Scott's father left when he was younger too. He probably hasn't told you that yet but sounds like you two have that in common." She tells me and my eyes widen. She's right, he's never told me that before.

Speaking of the boy, I can hear his footsteps approaching down the hallway towards the kitchen. I look over to the door and he walks in, fully dressed now with his hair dried and now done up nicely.

"I texted Stiles, he should be here in about ten minutes so do you wanna play the PlayStation while we wait?" He asks, looking at me expectantly.

"Yeah okay." I reply, jumping off the chair and then looking at Melissa. "Thank you for the coffee."

"You're welcome, Maya, anytime. Thank you for the company." She smiles back, happy with the time we spend together. She clearly liked a break away from work and Scott.

I nod and then follow Scott to the living room where he starts setting up a game. I sit down on the couch, waiting patiently.

As he sets it up he quietly speaks. "Sorry about my mom, she can be really in your face sometimes..."

"It's alright. I actually liked talking to her." I admit, smiling to him. I see him roll his eyes and I let out a small laugh. "It's true! I mean, she listens so that's nice."

"Yeah but she questions literally everything." He laughs and sits down next to me, handing me a controller. I thank him and we start playing Call Of Duty, our usual game.

We get fifteen minutes into it when we're interrupted by the doorbell. Melissa answers it for us, letting Stiles in. He rushes into the room, happy and excited.

I put down the controller and look up at him. He's wearing a plain white shirt with a grey and white bomber jacket over the top and red jeans; the outfit suiting him perfectly. He looks really good, just as usual.

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