Dare #01

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AN: Yes, it's me Hanako~Chan. Look, I'm pretty busy hosting but I would suggest something that I'm willing to add to my agenda. It wouldn't be fun to have me make up the dares, so go ahead and comment down what dare you want Kuroko Tetsuya to do. One thing to keep in mind is that it has to be a Kuroko x G.O.M dare. Duh, it is a KuroGoM fanfic after all. But do that later, right now read this little dare I thought that would be nice and arousing for the Generation of Miracles.


"Kuroko~Chan, come here." Hanako~Chan said, letting Kuroko enter her office.

"Yes?" Kuroko asked, taking a seat.

"I have a dare that I thought would be interesting." Hanako~Chan said, holding her hands together like a manerable business woman.

"Why me?" Kuroko pouted.

"Because it's pretty obvious that the Generation of Miracles admires you and I thought it would fit you." Hanako~Chan answered.

"Do I get something after this?" Kuroko asked.

"Anything." Hanako~Chan nodded.

"A week worth of vanilla milkshakes." Kuroko crossed his arms.

"Perfect." Hanako~Chan clapped her hands together.

"Alright, the dare is that you have to lap dance on your teammates. Also wear this." Hanako~Chan explained, handing Kuroko a black and light blue Kitty outfit.

"Okay." Kuroko shrugged.

"Wow, you're straight forward." Hanako~Senpai giggled.

"I do get a week worth of milkshakes, right?" Kuroko raised a brow.

"I have your prize right here." Hanako~Chan handed Kuroko a credit card that will only be served at 'Maji Burgers'.

"When will this happen?" Kuroko asked.

"As soon as you finish getting ready, I'll bring you to a little room that is being prepared so run along." Hanako~Chan dismissed Kuroko. Luckily everyone was in their own rooms so Kuroko had his own precious time to get ready.

He strapped his golden bell around his neck and placed the blue cat ears on his head. His shirt was thin enough to see his skinny torso along with light blue shorts that looked like panties but had long socks to cover most of his legs. He daped a bit of red blush and wore his black heels that weren't that tall.

With the G.O.M, Hanako~Chan tied them in a dark room that had red lights shimmering down the room. Where a mini stage was placed and a pole in the middle. They all sat in separate chairs that had the same color of their hair. Behind the mirror was the camera crew where they were preparing the set.

"What's the meaning of us getting tied up?" Akashi asked, as Hanako~Chan finished tying them all up.

"It's a surprise, don't worry guys. In fact, someone wants to perform for you. It's a little dance but I'm sure you'll all enjoy it." Hanako~Chan smiled.

"Who?" They asked at once, having no clue of who it wound be.

"Probably a fan girl." Aomine huffed.

"Nooooo!!!!! I want Kurokochii!!!" Kise cried out.

"Actually if it is a fan girl, than cut this off. I want Tetsu, I only like him." Aomine struggled to release to the grip along for the rest as they thought about Kuroko.

"No, no, no. Just chill, it won't be that bad. Alright, lights!!!!" Hanako~Chan shouted, as the red lights shone the mini stage.

"Are the cameras running?" Hanako~Chan asked through the head bud.

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