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I sat back and rested against Harry's strong chest, breathing heavily as another wave of pain passed. Sweat was running in rivers down my face and pretty much everywhere else on my body. What I wouldn't give to be freed from this agony and to go for a swim in the cool waters on the south side of the island. But this pain had a very specific purpose and I talked myself through every wave, each one more intense than the last. At the end of this torture, I would be holding my baby in my arms. Our baby. A new prince or princess. 

"You're amazing," Harry whispered in my ear as Anne dabbed a wet cloth against my forehead and gave me a sip of water. 

Another round of pain began to build. My instinct was to hold my breath, but Anne kept reminding me, "Take deep breaths, darling. Keep breathing. It's almost over. There you go." 

She talked me through every time, but soon the waves were lasting longer with less chance to recover in between. I had been able to keep my complaints to moaning, but now I was full-on screaming. 

"It's time to push," Anne said gently. 

Hadley was there, too, on my other side, encouraging me. "This is the worst part, but that means it's almost over. You're almost there." 

With the next painful squeeze, I pushed hard through the pain while the three of them cheered me  on. I just wanted to tell them to shut up but there was no room for words in my agony. 

After five more pushes, Hadley exclaimed, "The baby's head is out. Wren! You're so close. You're almost there." 

Tears of joy were already soaking my face, mingling with the sweat, and most likely with Harry's own tears. 

Feeling the pain ramping up again, I gave one more massive push and our baby arrived in Hadley's capable hands. She immediately placed the child on my breast and tended to the cord while Anne rubbed the baby's back with a large cloth. 

"I didn't even see," I said, laughing in glee at our baby's scrunchy little face. "Are you a boy or a girl?" 

Harry lifted the child and sobbed with happiness, "It's a girl, Little Bird." He laid her back on my chest. "We have a baby girl. We have a princess." 

I took the cloth from Anne to continue cleaning her when suddenly she gave a loud roar of a cry, certainly stating her displeasure at being so forcefully evicted from her cozy cocoon. I had never seen Harry so joyful in all my days with him. There was no mistaking he was overwhelmed with love for his little girl. 

I might have imagined he would be disappointed if his first-born weren't a son, a future prince and king. He didn't seem bothered in the least. He only stroked her tiny head and the few wisps of hair while I guided her hungry mouth to my breast.

Hadley helped me get cleaned up a bit and I was able to sit up just enough to make feeding the baby a little easier. With a fresh cloth firmly swaddled around her, everyone stared in awe at our precious new princess. 

Anne was teary-eyed along with the rest of us. "I thought the day Harry was born was the happiest day of my life. But this, this joyful occasion, matches that day." She took Harry's head and kissed him on top of his curls. "I'm so proud of you, my son. So proud." And then she leaned in to kiss m forehead. "And you, Wren, you are heroic. I love you both so much." 

That moment was so overwhelming - a life of joy and fulfillment that I never thought possible was unfolding right before me. I had a dashingly handsome husband who was also kind and loving and sweet, I held a newborn miracle in my arms, and I was surrounded by family and friends who loved me. I could never have even dreamed of this, but I was thankful it was my reality. 

The baby would be baptized in three days' time. Then Harry would present her to the kingdom. It wouldn't be until her twelfth birthday that she would receive the official title of Princess, but most people would call her that anyway. 

"We haven't come up with a name for her, love," Harry said, gently kissing my temple. We were relaxing on our enormous bed, with the baby snuggled between us, breathing her soft little sighs as she slept. 

"I don't know," I said, shaking my head. "I'm still in a daze over her. She's the most beautiful thing in the world. How could we possibly come up with a name to fit her?"

"I have an idea," Harry said softly. "I hope you like it. I've been thinking of it for a while now, but I wasn't sure what you would think."

"Go on, then," I laughed. "Spit it out or you'll never hear my opinion, will you?" 

"All right," he grinned. "How about Lark? I love you, Little Bird, so I thought maybe our baby should have a bird's name, too."

I tilted my head to the side. "Hmm," I mused. "I think I like that. Princess Lark. I think it sounds lovely." I turned to Harry so I could kiss him. "I love you so much, my King." 

"I love you more," he teased. "Both of you. I couldn't imagine if I had never found you, my love."

"Then it was meant to be." 

During the three days prior to her baptism, many visitors came to welcome Princess Lark. They didn't stay long, but they brought gifts to honor the royal baby. Hadley and Niall brought their little boy, Noah, who was just now starting to toddle around on his own two legs. Hadley lifted him to the bed so he could see Lark.

"Baby," Hadley said reverently.

"Bee bee," Noah mimicked. 

"He's going to be talking your ear off before you know it," I smiled at Hadley.

Louis, Danielle and Abigail joined us while Niall and Hadley stayed on. Abigail was beside herself with glee when she saw Lark. "Can I please hold her, Wren?"

I could tell that Louis was about to deny her, but I quickly said, "Yes, if you come and sit on the bed by me, all right?" 

Abigail climbed up next to me, now a girl of twelve and a fine young woman. I carefully placed Lark in her lap and she gasped in surprise. "She's so soft and she weighs nothing but a feather." She spoke to Lark in a soft and sweet tone. The baby was awake and listened in awe to the stranger's voice. 

After a long while, Danielle insisted that Abigail relinquish the baby, saying, "They need their rest." 

Abigail obeyed reluctantly, but she turned before they left and said, "Can I come and visit her again soon?" 

"Of course," I answered. "You were always my favorite visitor." I winked as she waved good-bye. 

I could hear her chattering to Louis and Danielle as the walked down the hall. "Daddy, Mum, when are you going to have a baby? I would be happy to help you take care of a sister or brother." The thought tickled me, Abigail being a big sister. She would be the best there ever was. 

Gemma visited and she went soft at the sight of her niece. "Oh, she's just perfect," she said in a reverent whisper. 

Harry grinned proudly, but then he got up and hugged his sister. "She's the luckiest princess alive because she has you for an auntie." Gemma blushed with the compliment, despite Harry's sappy delivery. 

There was still much to be done for the Kingdom of Elinshire to be restored to its former glory, but I had no doubt that King Harry would accomplish much in his lifetime. He was the strongest, most courageous, most kind-hearted and humble man I'd ever met. And now he was also the Daddy who was turned into a blundering fool by Lark's beaming smile.

And they were all mine.


I'm sorry it took so long to post the epilogue, but there it is. My story is finished. Thank you SO MUCH to all of you who read, voted and commented. I would be honored if you would continue to share the story with your friends and followers!



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