9. Falling for Him

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Harry had a scowl on his face when he returned to his quarters late that afternoon. I watched him tear off his boots and plop down on his bed in a huff.

"Harry, please," I reasoned. "I was just doing the washing when Mr. Horan came to see if I would launder his pants. That's all."

"I saw you eyeing him up," he accuse. "Maybe you are just a filthy whore."

His words stung like a slap in the face. But instead of joining him at the level of immature behavior that he was exhibiting, I stood up for myself. "I beg your pardon. I knew nothing of sexual things until I came here. By force, I might add. So don't you go insulting my honor because you're a childish brat!" The words came out before I could stop them, but I took a deep breath, hoping he would be true to his word, as he'd told me earlier that he'd never hurt me. I did expect him to yell at me, however, for being so insolent.

His eyes grew wide with fury and he looked like he might explode. But then he just yelled, "I am not!"

I bit my lip to stifle my laughter.

"What is so funny?" He demanded.

"You," I giggled. "You are acting like a child. I've never looked at any man in that way. Ever. It never even crossed my mind." Then I added shyly. "Until you came along."

He let out a sigh and came to me, tipping my head up to meet his gaze. "I overreacted."

"I forgive you," I replied. "Now I believe we were right in the middle of something when you were called away this morning." I stood on my tiptoes to reach his lips, but he picked me up and held me face to face, smashing his lips against mine. He held me tightly like that while we kissed for a long time, my feet dangling above his.

He set me down and said, "As much as I'd like to continue this right now, I'm starving and Louis will be sending dinner in a few moments."

"Can I please finish the washing tomorrow?" I asked carefully. "I didn't even get to hang it to dry."

"Yes, of course," he replied sheepishly.

When we sat to eat, Harry casually informed me, "We will soon be entering the shipping lanes where we do our...business."

"Oh," I said with uncertainty. I guess I knew we wouldn't go sailing around aimlessly, but I felt a new kind of fear when he broke that piece of news. I didn't really want to imagine what his business entailed. But one question popped into my mind, something I'd thought about since Abigail told me about the many women who had been on board. "How long will you keep me here?"

He looked up, seeming surprised that I asked. "You're mine. I will do with you as I please."

I took a deep breath and said, "You didn't answer my question. And for your information, I am a rightful servant of the Aubigné family. You stole me from them." He looked outraged at my defiant tone, but I continued. "And I am not yours. You do not own me, nor does anyone else."

He was flustered and he didn't say anything .

"Abigail said there had been many women on board, women who came and went quickly. I wondered if maybe you-" I stopped, choking up all of a sudden. I didn't really want to leave this ship, even after the little time I'd been here. I was growing attached to Harry and Abigail, and even Louis and Niall. Despite the fact that I'd been taken against my will, it was the first adventure I'd had in my dreary nineteen years. I didn't care whether I returned to my former masters, but I wasn't ready to start new somewhere else. I swallowed, forcing my breathing to remain calm. "I wondered if you were going to sell me as a slave. To someone else out at sea." Despite my best efforts, a tear trickled down my cheek.

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